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Transferring Purchases and updating

Once you have your iPad connected to iTunes right click your iPad (on the list to the left) and tell it to transfer purchases. This will move all music and videos you have purchased over to the computer.

My iPad is connected to iTunes, but when I right click on the iPad icon it says I have an iPad 2 with 64G. It lists nothing else except all the separate listings like apps, music, movies, etc. I don't know how to tell it to transfer the purchases. Sorry to be so dumb. I haven't used iTunes in literally 4 yrs.

OMG I found it! So sorry!! I'll try not to bother with dumb questions again. (No promises)
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Sorry, that didn't last long... I did the transfer purchases and then tried to "update" to the new version. I keep getting the message that there are purchases that have not been transferred to my iTunes library. is there another step?
I did the transfer purchases and then tried to "update" to the new version. I keep getting the message that there are purchases that have not been transferred to my iTunes library. is there another step?
No. That is pretty much the only step. You can try it a couple more times and see if it helps; but if it doesn't all you can do is continue with the process.

There are a few reasons why something might not transfer, or even if everything does transfer why you might get the error. Not all of them mean the content didn't end up where it needs to be.

The good news is that as long as those items are still in the iTunes or App Store you can download them again latter, in the off chance that you lose them during the update; which shouldn't happen.

Make sure you've done a good backup. And if you have any important files, it would be a good idea to make sure you have copies somewhere other than on the iPad, even if you have to email them to yourself (there is usually a better method.

Once you've done that, you've done all you can. With only a little luck the update should go fine, but even if it doesn't you should be able to recover anything important that goes missing.
I answered this in the other thread you asked. Perhaps a moderator (please) can move everything here. It should have been a new topic anyway.
I have consolidated two threads into one (prevents duplication and confusion).

Good luck with your issue (though I know you're in good hands with twerppoet's excellent advice).


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