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Travelling with a slimmed down iPad


iPF Noob
I'm about to take a two week trip, using my iPad 32Gb as storage for photos from my digital camera (and any videos I take with my iPhone). Problem is, I have it so full of apps, books, music, etc, that there's not a lot of space left for "temporary storage."

I'd like to set up a "new" (secondary) iPad profile in iTunes, with just the basics and "restore" to that one, leaving the "regular" profile backed up on my Mac, then later, after I no longer need the storage space, can I just "restore" to the old "regular" profile and regain all of my existing settings, apps, music playlists, etc.?

Help/advice is greatly appreciated!

Michael in Maine
I've moved this to the Help section with a permanent redirect from its original location as I think you'll receive better attention there. I hope this is OK.

You can load it on the I tunes when you reload just check the thing you do need for your trip when you get back do the same thing .

from USA bucks county pa Sent from my iPad using iPF
Yes, like it says here. I went to New Zealand from UK for 10 weeks so I unticked everything I could do without on my final backup and sync before leaving, it was all there when I came back and I brought 2500 photos with me.

If it helps, I took copies of all the documents as pdfs via GoodReader as well - scanned passports, insurance, driving license, itinerary, Visa, etc as back up


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