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treaming music......

You can use apples remote app to listen your pc or macs iTunes library in your I device...but your pc and ipad must be connected to the same wifi network...otherwise remote app wont work...and as you might know you can easily create a hotspot using your pc or laptop...if u can then connect you ipad to that hotspot and remote app will work just fine...it doesn't matter if you have a Internet connection or not...

Sent from my 16 GB WiFi only iPad using iPF
How can I stream music from my pc to my ipad over wifi ? I do not want to load up my ipad with all my music......:rolleyes:

There are a number of Apps that may suit your purpose (google them or check the Apps store) But if you are willing to part with $24.99 p.a,you could consider Apple's own music streaming arrangement via iCloud storage using your iPad's "Match" facility. (Settings>iTunes & App Stores>iTunes Match) Have a peep at this:

Apple - iTunes - Match

Once your music is in iCloud you can play it from any of your devices. Only what you play at the time or download will take up your iPad's memory.
To home share, set it up in iTunes on the computer then open the Apple Videos app then select library then shared and it will take a minute or two then you will see the videos on your computer that are in iTunes. The same thing works in Apple's music player.
O.K, for streaming music from my pc to my ipad (not loading onto my ipad) Under the music setting "More" and then "shared" there's two settings, My ipad and "X's" library. If I chooseX's library I can stream music to my ipad, but it's just some of my music ? Another question ? What's the difference between "My iPad" and X's Librarys ?

My ipad is whats actually stored locally on your ipad, x's library should be what is in the itunes library you are homesharing and hence available for streaming over wifi.
Ipadster67 said:
O.K, for streaming music from my pc to my ipad (not loading onto my ipad) Under the music setting "More" and then "shared" there's two settings, My ipad and "X's" library. If I chooseX's library I can stream music to my ipad, but it's just some of my music ? Another question ? What's the difference between "My iPad" and X's Librarys ?


Here is the difference. The first is what is on the iPad, the second is what is on iTunes on the computer


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