I have a hard copy appointments diary, a hard copy note book, a hard copy password list. Can someone explain to this
senior citizen which of these can be recorded on my Ipad 4 and which requires an app? Thank you so much for your time.
Hello Trottie,
Welcome to the forum.
The calendar application which is shipped with your iPad is the one to use for appointments, anniversaries etc. the calendar is the equivalent of your diary.
The notes application shipped with your iPad is a rudimentary notebook. However a lot of us use a free app called Evernote for keeping and organising notes etc. you need to download Evernote from the App Store.
There are some apps for keeping your passwords safely and securely on your iPad. Again, these apps can be downloaded from the store. In this thread
http://www.ipadforums.net/off-topic/57514-what-you-guys-doing-right-now.html there has been some discussion about a paid application called 1password.
Now, to help you further enjoy the forum, I suggest that you read the forum rules etc. Links to useful sections follow :-
The forum rules may be found here.
We have our own App which is easy to navigate.
The iPad manual is here.
Try these informative threads from which you will learn many tips and shortcuts for the IPad.
Do use the forum search function to find threads to visit, read and in which to ask questions. This way, you should get a good response.
Finally, a very useful tip, IMO. The iPad manual can be downloaded from here...
Enjoy your membership.
Richard Brown
A member of the iPF moderators' team.
And another senior citizen.
Sent from my iPad3 using Tapatalk.