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Trouble connecting to iTunes?

I got my iPad a week ago and am having an issue. Hope this is the right sub forum.

I love that I can sync to my iTunes over wifi without having to drag out the cable. However, it seems that my iTunes cant see the iPad about half the time and I cant figure out why. They are both online and I am at a loss. Any suggestions?
You mean with the cord? Im trying to get it to do it without using the cord. I want to do it over wifi. It worked this morning but then wouldnt work later on. When I tried in iTunes it showed the iPad under my devices but when I clicked it it said the iPad could not be found on the network but thats not true because it is.
I understand that the iPad requires a certain amount of charge or to be " on charge" to do a wireless sync, this is presumably to stop it failing halfway through the sync process, just try plugging it into a charger.

The Archangel
Gotcha, thanks for the clarification. Its at 75% charge. I can try to plug it in, but I leave the cord at home so as not to haul it around, a charge lasts me all day. I want to sync at the office. Thanks for the tip though, will try it when I can get the cord.
Mine is wishy washy. Has been from day one. my iPad is plugged in charging right now-iTunes opened before plug in and nope. iPad isn't showing up in iTunes. I sync to the cloud anyway, but all I want to do is app updates through iTunes. That's it.
I have to jump start the ability to WiFi sync by plugging in via USB to desktop. Then it will work via Wifi for a handful of times before it stops again. I'm tired of the on/off flakiness, so give up and just plug in when app updates come out or just update OTA. It's just annoying when this is a nice feature of iOS 5 and is so darn inconsistent for me. And I'm not fiddling with my router or anything. It shouldn't require that level of fussing and besides, it works *some* of the time, as opposed to never. I just like the speed of app updates via iTunes. I go back and forth, plugging in when wifi won't work, or just OTA.

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