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Trouble Syncing Contacts Between Devices


iPF Noob
I don't know what I'm doing wrong but I thought I had everything set up so that I could sync my desktop to the cloud and then sync ,y iPod Touch and iPad and have the same things on all three devices. My calendars are all in sync and update just fine but not my contacts. All three devices are out of sync. Any ideas?

Rev. Michael L. Burns
I have already verified this. Double checked just to make sure. Still cannot get my iPad or iPod to sync my contacts.

I know this is not really what you want to hear, but since I broke down and started putting all my contacts and calender on Google, I never have any issues getting stuff synced to my iDevices. This works so well that I just have to mention it when I hear people having the issues you mention. Bottom line: put your contacts & calender on Google, and always update them there. The information flows to your devices almost instantly. And you can login using Safari on the iPad if you want. Or use your desktop browser.

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