I will explain what I have and what I'm trying to do and then hopefully someone will be able to tell me if it's possible or just a dream. I have an iPad Air, an iPhone 5 and a Sony Vaio laptop. I take a lot of photographs which I edit in Adobe Photoshop on the laptop and then put into their particular folders. When I come home I usually plug the iPhone into the laptop to charge it and it syncs and updates the photo folders on the iPhone. Given that the Sony and both my Apple devices are Bluetooth enabled I was hoping to be able to set them up so that when they came in close proximity to the laptop they would sync automatically using Bluetooth but I haven't been able to do it. Is it in fact possible to do this? I can set my iPad Air to sync with my laptop using the wireless network but that only seems to work if the iPad Air is plugged into a charger which sort of defeats the object of the exercise. I understand that there may be driver issues regarding trying to get the Sony and Apple products to connect through Bluetooth but I can't even get the iPad Air and the iPhone 5 to find each other even though they are sitting side by side. Just to sum up all three have Bluetooth switched on and are discoverable. Am I trying to do something that can't be done with regard to having all three sync automatically and why can't the two Apple products find each other even though they are both using the same operating system?