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Turn baxk clock - Itunes upgrade


iPF Noob
My IPad 2 is a jail broken version4.3.3 When new Apple OS system launched knew I had to wait for jail broken version but did not realize it would take this long (still waiting) ... I impatiently upgraded the iTunes on my laptop from where I do all my music syncing !,, but now I can't cos it wants me to restore my iPad settings.... The question is Can I take my laptop computer back to the old version iTunes that it had on it (previous OS). If so please advise help. Many thanks
I'm not totally sure about this, but I didn't think that the version of itunes would make any difference, when you hook up your ipad and it asks to update to a newer ios version......just click no.

I hope this is right, but i'm sure someone will be right along to point you in right direction!..Good Luck Pixiepix
TheRambler, you've got it in one. You MUST be on iTunes 10.5 to run iOS 5.0 and 5.0.1, but the reverse isn't true. You can have iTunes on 10.5 and still have the iPad be on 4.3.3.

Just do as suggested, don't accept the update. In fact, you can turn off the pop up where iTunes wants to remind you that you have a newer version. It's less annoying that way (or, at least it was to me ... YMMV). It'll still show in the main iTunes screen when you hook in your iPad, but that's easier to ignore than that stooooopid pop-up.

Thanks guys. So much appreciated and will try this tonight when ho,e from work. Will let u know that it works. Cheers
Hey Guys, no it still don't acknowledge the ipad2 (jail broken) which it used to before I upgraded to iTunes version 10. It says "iTunes cannot read the contents of the iPad. Go to summary in iPad preferences and click Restore to restore this IPad to factory settings. This means it won't work on a jail broken iPad as if wants to reset. The only way forward for me is to re set my laptop coated ITunes back to the version one before I upgraded. Do I need to take the laptop to a commuter store to go backwards or can I do this myself (being blonde and not much of a computer boffin) :)
Okay, I've talked to some of the experts here at this forum - so here's my suggestion to fix your iPad syncing problems.

To verify, this is the message you get from iTunes: "Itunes cannot read the contents of the iPad. Go to the summary tab in iPad preferences and click restore to restore this iPad to factory settings." Correct?

If this is what the message says, it appears your iTunes sync with your iPad has somehow gotten corrupted. So, you'll need to remove some files so that iTunes can rebuild the sync files. Here's how:

1. Using iFile, or OpenSSH and an SCP program such as WinSCP, navigate to this address on your iPad:


1.1. Within this folder, there is a file titled iTunesCDB. Make a copy of this file for backup (just in case this method doesn't work - always make backups!). Then, delete this file.

1.2. By deleting this database file, all your music and video files on the iPad are now orphaned. Meaning, your files are still on your iPad, occupying space, but iTunes doesn't know what they are now. So, now you've got to remove all your music and video files from the iPad.

2. Go back one level in iFile (or the WinSCP program) to this address:


2.1. Select the folder Music and then delete all the folders within this folder (leave the Music folder there; just empty it)

3. Now, you should be able to sync to iTunes.

You will have to select/re-sync all your music and videos (if any) back to the iPad from iTunes. Depending on the size of your collection, this may take some time. Just give it that time - don't attempt to disconnect the iPad until the sync is done (some of my research states this may be one of the reasons the sync gets corrupted).

I hope this helps. Honestly, I hope it works! It's the only way I know of to fix your iTunes sync problem - but there is no way for me to test this for you. Good luck and let me know how it works.

If that doesn't work and your laptop is Windows OS one thing to try is a System Restore; I'm not sure if it will roll back the software update or not but it's worth a shot. Go to Start-All Programs-Accessories-System Tools-System Restore. You will want to go back to an earlier point in time and you should see some dates listed, just select one about a day before you did the iTunes update and then click ok. Depending on your computer this may take 5-10 minutes. Basically you computer is set up to take screen shots of your settings and registry every day/few days in case something happens and you need to go back to previoius settings. Any time I get a virus this is the first thing I do as it usually fixes it and is very easy. If your laptop is a Mac OS, hopefully someone can chime in with ideas.
Nothing working .... So frustrating. .. Coming up error -42408 and it "hung" on the syncing for 15 hours and synced nothing....
Seems I gotta bigger problem than originally thought..... Thanks for suggestions but reckon it's time to hand it over to the professionals ... Depressing stuff ..
Bummer! I'm sorry we couldn't help. That attempt with changing the iTunes files was my only shot. Sorry.

Good luck with the pros and do let us know how you get on.


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