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Turn off Ipod on Ipad


iPF Noob
I'm embarrassed to ask, but I have a new iPad, I synched it with my iTunes, I hit the iPod app button and picked a song to play, but I cannot figure out how to shut down the iPod app so the music just keeps playing.
In the ipod windw there are controls to raise the volume or lower it. if not shut the Ipad of with the power button.

Just in case you haven't figure it out yet, just hit the Pause button.

Can't find itunes player

I'm embarrassed to ask, but I have a new iPad, I synched it with my iTunes, I hit the iPod app button and picked a song to play, but I cannot figure out how to shut down the iPod app so the music just keeps playing.

You're embarrassed? This will make you feel better. I synced my music but I don't have an ipod app button and I can't figurre out how to play my songs. Is the ipod app something you have to buy?
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I'm embarrassed to ask, but I have a new iPad, I synched it with my iTunes, I hit the iPod app button and picked a song to play, but I cannot figure out how to shut down the iPod app so the music just keeps playing.

You're embarrassed? This will make you feel better. I synced my music but I don't have an ipod app button and I can't figurre out how to play my songs. Is the ipod app something you have to buy?

To play music look for the orange icon once you are at the main homepage [its a free built in program]. To get there press the physical hard round button that is above the place that you plug the device in. Also this Home button is used to close applications which in the case of the music program will enable the music to continue to play while you are in another program. Hope it helps
In the ipod windw there are controls to raise the volume or lower it. if not shut the Ipad of with the power button.

Thanks. To me, pausing the music or turning down the volume isn't the same as closing the application, although someone told me today that's the Apple way, i.e., applications never are closed, they are just resting.

By the way, even if you turn the power off, the music keeps playing. Crazy.
ipod shuts down my pandora

I would still like to know if there's a way to completly turn off the ipod app besides the pause button. Sometimes after I switch from it to Pandora, the ipod will interupt my playback and start shuffling through my ipod's current playlist. This is really irritating when I just want to listen to Pandora.
I would still like to know if there's a way to completly turn off the ipod app besides the pause button. Sometimes after I switch from it to Pandora, the ipod will interupt my playback and start shuffling through my ipod's current playlist. This is really irritating when I just want to listen to Pandora.

You can't in 3.2.2 without first jailbreaking....but in 4.2 you can just double tap the home button long hold the iPod icon and press the minus in the upper left corner.
You can't in 3.2.2 without first jailbreaking....but in 4.2 you can just double tap the home button long hold the iPod icon and press the minus in the upper left corner.

Thanks for the tip
Depends on what you mean by "power off"

By the way, even if you turn the power off, the music keeps playing. Crazy.
Oh now you're just messing with us! If you turn the power off, the music WILL stop... unless you got the special edition Linda Blair signature series "Exorcist" model!

I think the person who originally posted meant pressing the on/off button at the top right edge (in portrait mode) of the iPad when they said "turning off." This actually puts the iPad to sleep. But, if you do that, they are RIGHT. The music continues to play. I believe the Exorcist Super Moderator meant the full bore turn off of the iPad. By that I mean pressing that same on/off button but holding it down until the on/off icon appears at the top of the screen. Sliding that icon to off does stop the music.

So, everyone was sorta right. Beautiful. :)

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