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UK wifi networks


iPF Noob
May 25, 2010
Reaction score
Leeds, West Yorkshire, England
I've decided to go for wifi only ipad 16gb (looking to get an iphone 4gs in the near future and didn't want two sets of monthly network costs - I've managed with a wifi only ipod touch for over two years so I guess I'll survive).

I'm considering though investing in a small subscription to a nationwide wifi network - wondered if anyone was having the same thoughts and if there was feedback on coverage etc.

The main two options seem to be The Cloud or BT (who do a £ 5 per month option which seems to cover most UK large cities I visit quite well including Leeds, Manchester, Brimingham, Edinburgh and London).

Any thoughts ?

You have a nation wide WiFi network in the UK!? Pretty cool. If that were the case (and I lived in a city) then I would have considered that here.
Both the networks I mention are technically nationwide but are quite patchy. There are large swathes of countryside and smaller towns that will have no or very limited hotspots.

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