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Unable to add Instapaper SAVE FOR LATER on the New iPad - Help

I am unable to add Instapaper SAVE FOR LATER on the New iPad because the install directions seem to be for an earlier version of the browser. There is no edit to be found on the bookmark bar or anywhere else where the bookmarks are found.
Have you downloaded the update? They had one a few days ago.

I think the update over last weekend only took care of the 2x display issue. This one sounded like a whole different one. I was using Instapaper before and after the update and didn't notice any problem.

You may want to reinstall both the browser and Instapaper from scratch.
strawbarryFields said:
I am unable to add Instapaper SAVE FOR LATER on the New iPad because the install directions seem to be for an earlier version of the browser. There is no edit to be found on the bookmark bar or anywhere else where the bookmarks are found.

You're doing it wrong. Granted the direction are a tad convoluted. but the edit button is there . Are you selecting bookmark bar and having it turned on? I know it works because I did it last night.

Now that I think about it, you may need to rearrange the positions if you have a lot of book marks.


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