Hi there, when ever I try to buy an in-app purchase from any of my apps I go to the appropriate area of the game and try to view the various items available for purchase. I can see the items but the never have a purchase price - if I try to purchase something my iPad just sits in the "processing" mode for several minutes. I eventually have to double click out of the game. Sometime later I always get a "confirm"message asking if I want to make the purchase, I can be in any other app at the time. If I press cancel the purchase does not get processed, but if I press confirm the purchase is processed and I get an iTunes invoice but I do no get the purchase (gems for example). The last time this happened I emailed the developers concerned and they manually sent me my purchase (z2Live with Nanopods in Battle Nation). I have just tried to buy gems in Dragonvale - confirmed the purchase from within another app after having to get out of Dragonvale after several minutes of "processing" - but even an hour after the confirmation there is no sign of my gems. Any ideas??