Hi again Jjbean50 - I'm assuming that you are using the native mail app on the iPad to bring in your AOL emails and that your mail account is setup correctly on the device, i.e. regular emails or those w/ smaller size files come in fine - correct? I use Yahoo, so cannot comment on AOL as to any limitations of attachment size - is that a potential issue - just asking?
On my laptop, I opened Yahoo mail and attached 2 5MB files (*.pdf) to a message to myself - the email was brought into my iPad2's mail app w/ the attachments - I had no problem in opening them either w/i the app or in other options, such as GoodReader.
If not already done, when I have a misbehaving app(s), I will go through the steps quoted below initially - this often corrects a problem(s), is quick & simple, and does no harm to your iPad - please give those steps a try and post back if still having an issue; and hopefully others who use AOL will 'chime in' w/ their advice - good luck!