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"Unable to download item"?


iPad Fan
Since upgrading my ipad2 to ios8 I keep getting a niggling message box popping up which says "Unable to download item...done/retry".

I have absolutely no idea what "item" it's referring to, and try as I may I simply cannot find any programme or app which is attempting a download of anything.

Does anyone have any idea where I can look to see what is trying to download?
At first this was a minor annoyance, but is now becoming a complete PITA!!!
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It could be an app update which failed. This happened to me yesterday, and when I tapped "Retry", it updated without problems. So maybe take a look at the Updates tab in App Store. At the moment many apps are getting updates, one of these could be the "culprit".
I have the same problem on one of my iPads. There's no item waiting to download on my iPad either. It will pop up at the most inconvenient times, pausing the movie I'm watching, for example. I think that somehow the installation of iOS 8 was corrupted in a minor way. If so, the only solution would be to reinstall the iOS 8 upgrade through iTunes on your computer.
I have the same problem on one of my iPads. There's no item waiting to download on my iPad either. It will pop up at the most inconvenient times, pausing the movie I'm watching, for example. I think that somehow the installation of iOS 8 was corrupted in a minor way. If so, the only solution would be to reinstall the iOS 8 upgrade through iTunes on your computer.

I reckon you could have cracked it! I did my ios8 download over wifi and initially although the download was ok, it actually failed to load and I had to download a second time, which then seemed to work ok.

I may do as you suggest and do it again using iTunes.

I was only able to get the iOS 8 download again through iTunes because I had reverted back to iOS 7 first (which I am assured is now not possible).
I too had an item which was "unable to download", and I can verify that downloading iOS 8 through iTunes made ABSOLUTELY NO DIFFERENCE to that "item".
I have been through EVERYTHING checking for the wayward item, and I've now resigned myself to the fact I may never find it.
I have had this problem too. It seemed only to occur after I downloaded the new U2 album which was free on iTunes. Punishment perhaps?!! I think its to do with the booklet that comes with the album. Whilst the music has successfully downloaded top my phone, the booklet hasnt and I think that may be what is causing the error. I'm going to fire up the laptop later and see if I can sort it through iTunes on there.
I have had this problem too. It seemed only to occur after I downloaded the new U2 album which was free on iTunes. Punishment perhaps?!! I think its to do with the booklet that comes with the album. Whilst the music has successfully downloaded top my phone, the booklet hasnt and I think that may be what is causing the error. I'm going to fire up the laptop later and see if I can sort it through iTunes on there.

This is absolutely the case. My 8.0.2 was perfectly fine since the update was released, right up until I downloaded the U2 album last night. I agree - it's the booklet. I was looking for the booklet download, and it's marked as "album only", and it's the one piece that's missing.

I think you need to sort it through iTunes - download it there, and then it shouldn't be a "waiting download".
I've just sorted this on my iPad 2 at long last.
In iTunes on my PC I clicked on "purchased". The booklet then appeared in the " music" list as a Digital Booklet.
Then I selected the booklet with a right click choosing "get info".
Take "options" and change "music" to "book"
Then I simply dragged it to my iPad in the left column.
It now appears as a pdf in iBooks on my iPad.

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