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Unable to mail to trash


iPF Noob
I am suddenly unable to move Mail to trash. When I use trash can to try, then gives above message. I was finally able to get mail out of in box by using the move button, so now have trash in the final last tier of folders TRASH. But now it never leaves there. Hope someone can help me out thanks
You could try force quitting the Mail App. Double tap the home button to reveal the background Apps and then swipe Mail upwards. If that doesn't help. You could try a hard reset. Hold the Home and Power buttons together until the Apple logo appears and then let go. The iPad will restart.
The other thing you could do is to switch your individual Mail accounts off and then after a pause, turn them back on again. Hope this helps.
Thanks for response. Unfortunately none solved my problem. Drat! Any other suggestions????
If you have an IMAP account, trashing an email on one device will trash it on all devices using the same email account. Have you tried trashing the unwanted emails on another device?
Have any of the accounts been perhaps configured to archive rather than trash mail? The actual trash can symbol would of course be different. My Gmail account has a Filing Cabinet icon and when tapped items are then consigned to All Mail, from whence they can be finally trashed.
Have tried all suggestions except removing & setting account up again. I have some messages I want to keep and assume I would lose them when removing account? Any other ideas? Thank You
That depends on your account and the settings of your account.

When you remove a Gmail account, e.g., and set it up again, the emails will be there again.

A suggestion, if it's a Gmail account:
Go to Settings - Mails, Contacts, Calendar - Accounts, select the Gmail account, tap the email address and go to Advanced. Go to Incoming Settings, IMAP Path Prefix. Remove the slash, and add "INBOX". That done, tap Account at the top, then Done to save the setting.

Then try moving emails to trash. Hopefully it will work now.

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