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Unable to see ipad photo's icon in itunes


iPF Noob
I have been updated with the latest itunes,11.01.12. now when i plug in my ipad 2 I can't see if it has synced, the hdd activity light on my pc is constantly on as if it's reading, and I cannot find the photo's icon. I want to transfer photo's from ipad to my pc. advice please.
Open iTunes. If on a Windows PC, make sure that iTunes is the active window and press Ctrl+S. Alternatively within iTunes, from the menu bar select View and click on Show Sidebar.

This should get iTunes back to looking like what it used to for you and will give you access to your iPad and all of the functions.
Hi, longshanks, and welcome to the forum.

The advice given by talon90 is good. Can't for the life of me understand why Apple chose to hide most of iTunes. It doesn't make it very intuitive for people who are not familiar with it. However, they are in charge, so...

Since you are using a PC, you can use Windows to transfer your photographs. In Windows Explorer, navigate to your iPad, then to Internal Storage. Right click on the DCIM folder and you will get a popup with various options. One of those options is Transfer Photographs (or similar. I'm away from my PC and can't remember the wording). Click on that option and Windows will transfer everything to your PC automatically.

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