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Unjailbreaking breaks App?


iPF Noob
So I was still running iOS 6.0.x.
Not only did apps start to require later ios versions, but also, apple threatened to release iOS8, which - as far as I heard - is rather iCloud-heavy (which is not a good thing).

Thus - and because iOS 7's control center could now at least partially replace the SBSettings - and despite my likely missing some features like the unrestrictor, I decided to unjailbreak my device before I was forced to upgrade to iOS8 if I wished to unjailbreak later.

Pretty much the standard way, too:
- backup
- reset (including forced update to iOS7.1.2)
- restore from backup

However, I now get a "The App GoodReader was not installed on the iPad due to an unknown error (0xe8000007)." in iTunes.
The app icon is there - grayed out, though - and clicking it will do perfectly nothing except change the App's name from "GoodReader" to "Waiting...".
I'd appreciate some help resolving this.
Is the Goodreader app now on your iPad?

If so, try running "restore from backup" again via iTunes. As Goodreader is already on the iPad, maybe iTunes will skip the step that caused the error and so put the data from the app onto the iPad [during the process].

Hopefully, that'll solve it.

No, it won't.
Mainly because it won't let me apply the backup anymore ("not enough space", although there should be according to the usage). I mean, what the hell, I can't restore from a backup I have just made?!

Thanks for answering, though.

And good thing I didn't trust this piece of junk in the first place and always used iFunbox instead of iTunes. So I "just" need to gather and copy my data from some external hard disks and from Dropbox. I'd hate to think what would have happened otherwise.
So if you had a back-up, then you have goodreader in itunes? Maybe its un-updated. Try updating it in iTunes. Then try to restore it. If that doesn't work, just transfer goodreader from iTunes to your iPad.
On a related note GoodReader has a paid update; GoodReader 4. Very nice, and universal, so if you have both an iPad and iPhone you only pay once.

You'll still want to re-intall the old GoodReader app first, if you can. There is a migration assistant when you install the new app; so your can keep your data/file/structure.
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