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Unsatisfied browsing experience...


iPF Noob
Hi all,
First of all I know apple has been arguing that iPad/iPhone is not meant as an alternate for browsing through a computer... But this actually hinders my browsing experience. Have you ever noticed that when you open an page with a window within a window (like it will have a scroll bar within the main page), the browser doesn't even recognize that inside window.. It does not give an option to scroll? Try visiting this page with iPad/iPhone and with a computer: http://paws.lsu.edu/pwstrans.nsf/GetMailServer?OpenAgent.

Do you notice that the page is actually 'cut' and you can't scroll? I feel like it's some kinda bug that they could really fix.. Did I bring this to anyone's attention or is it being just ignored by apple for some reason? I have tried and experienced the same problem with two/three browsers like safari/Terra in both iPad and iPhone.
I need your opinions/knowledge regarding this matter.

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Hi all,
First of all I know apple has been arguing that iPad/iPhone is not meant as an alternate for browsing through a computer... But this actually hinders my browsing experience. Have you ever noticed that when you open an page with a window within a window (like it will have a scroll bar within the main page), the browser doesn't even recognize that inside window.. It does not give an option to scroll? Try visiting this page with iPad/iPhone and with a computer: http://paws.lsu.edu/pwstrans.nsf/GetMailServer?OpenAgent.

Do you notice that the page is actually 'cut' and you can't scroll? I feel like it's some kinda bug that they could really fix.. Did I bring this to anyone's attention or is it being just ignored by apple for some reason? I have tried and experienced the same problem with two/three browsers like safari/Terra in both iPad and iPhone.
I need your opinions/knowledge regarding this matter.


If you need to scroll a 'window within a window' then you need to use the two-finger scroll, which is explained in the iPad User Manual. To do this, you touch the embedded window content with two fingers simultaneously instead of one and 'pull' the window either up or down as you desire. It takes a while to 'perfect' the technique - to begin with most people end up zooming the window or simply moving the full window, but given a little practice it becomes second nature and very intuitive. I use my first and second fingers but any will do!!

Works best if you just keep your two fingers side by side, touching but not squeezed together. At least it does with my big hands.
I should have mentioned too that the URL that the OP gave is a link to the LSU log-in window and since I don't have an LSU account, I couldn't get any further....

Thanks Tim sparklen & twerppoet.... It worked for me!!! I'm enjoying my browsing now! And sorry about the link... It's from the 'mathworks' website only, but since accessed it through the LSU Wi-fi, it gave such a link I guess!

Thanks again.

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