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Update time ...


iPF Novice
Sep 9, 2012
Reaction score
Cape Cod
I got the notice to update iOS. Now, I just did my first update to 5.something. My first update and it was a learning experience with backups, clouds, Apple to Dell Windows backup, etc.

For this update, how do I do it? Backups, then update, then restore via iTunes?

(I have memory issues)
Hi Pinkip... - usually updates don't involve the multiple steps that you describe; of course, backup of the iPad to the Cloud or to iTunes on a computer should be done first, but after that you should be set to go - SO, just backup your iPad to one location and then accept the update - :)
If your not jail broken (and don't intend to jail break), you can do the update over-the-air (OTA). All you have to do is go to the General tab in your Settings app and press on the Software Update tab. The iPad (and Apple's programming) will do the update for you.

It will tell you to be sure you have a full battery. If you don't, just plug it in for the update. It won't take long and then you'll be on iOS 6.1.2.


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