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[UPDATED] Springtomize Breaks Safari's "Add to Home Screen" Ability


Staff member
This is a heads up for Springtomize users:

The last update "broke" the iPad's ability to use Safari to save bookmarks to the home screen. As far as I can tell, it's the mere fact of having Springtomize loaded that breaks this function. All existing bookmarks continue to work fine. If you want to save bookmarks, you'll have to uninstall Springtomize to do so. It's easily re-installed after you've saved some bookmarks (and any bookmarks you created after uninstall/reinstall do work).

I just sent an e-mail to the developer about it - his reply was that he was on vacation until 16 July. I think it was an auto-reply, because it made no mention of my e-mail...

I'll provide an update when or if I get one.

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Will it not even add bookmarks from Safe Mode Mailyn? If not, that is a pretty amazing "bug"!
Ah man, why do I always forget about "Safe Mode"?!?!

Thanks for that, Leigh. Yes, that function of Safari works fine in Safe Mode. Much easier than uninstalling/reinstalling Springtomize...


Who wanders off, muttering "They said coffee helps prevent memory loss" ...
any updates on how to fix this problem? (without using "Safe Mode")

It's a real pain of a bug!

PS: ow do you startup in safe mode?
So far, no updates to this. In fact, I found out just today that it still exists (cause I tried to save another bookmark to my homescreen...).

I use SBSettings to start up Safe Mode. It's under the Power option [button] when you pull down SBSettings. Press Power, press Safe Mode and it'll reboot into it.

I've also made a physical way to access Safe Mode via Activator. There's many ways you can set it up for physically turning it on, but I have it so it activates via a back and forth action of my mute button (on the side).

Just cause if I ever need it - I don't want to be without access to Safe Mode...

BTW - SBSettings and Activator are two tweaks you can get (free) in Cydia. If you don't have them - why are you still reading this?! :D They are fantastic tweaks for the iPad. Definitely two core reasons to jail break, IMNSHO.

Hope this helps.

Marilyn, Thanks for the info on running in safe mode

ya i got SBsettings and Activator.

I just uninstalled Springtomize for now, just to be bothered by this (i use show in homescreen too often)

hope a update comes along soon to fix it.

So far, no updates to this. In fact, I found out just today that it still exists (cause I tried to save another bookmark to my homescreen...).

I use SBSettings to start up Safe Mode. It's under the Power option [button] when you pull down SBSettings. Press Power, press Safe Mode and it'll reboot into it.

I've also made a physical way to access Safe Mode via Activator. There's many ways you can set it up for physically turning it on, but I have it so it activates via a back and forth action of my mute button (on the side).

Just cause if I ever need it - I don't want to be without access to Safe Mode...

BTW - SBSettings and Activator are two tweaks you can get (free) in Cydia. If you don't have them - why are you still reading this?! :D They are fantastic tweaks for the iPad. Definitely two core reasons to jail break, IMNSHO.

Hope this helps.

Well, the update just came out in Cydia today.

I can confirm, you now can make [working] bookmark icons on the springboard without having to put the iPad into Safe Mode - or uninstalling Springtomize.

It's all better now. Yay!


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