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Upgrade to iOS 5 - verify preparation in case of downgrade


iPF Noob
Hi All,

I've got a non-jailbroken iPad 1 running 4.2.1. Since I'm finding more and more apps that need at least 4.3, I decided that I should try the iOS5 upgrade. However, I've heard all sorts of REALLY bad reports about iOS 5 trashing the performance of the iPad 1. Some people say it works, some say the upgrade does not work.

So I'd really like a fallback position.

Could someone please verify I have all my ducks lined up in order to back out iOS 5 and restore to 4.2.1?

- iPad backed up in iTunes 11.0
- ran iFaith to dump 4.2.1 SHSH blobs.
- downloaded iPad 1 4.2.1 Restore ipsw.

This procedure will get my iPad exactly the way I had it before with all my apps, etc?

Thanks for any help or advice.
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Hi there Corey and welcome,

I've moved your post to the hacking section as these guys have the knowledge to answer your question.......good luck!

The Archangel
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You are good to go, as far as I can tell. The biggest - main - thing you will need is the SHSH blobs for the firmware to which you wish to downgrade. Since you've got those, you should be set.

I hope iOS 5.1.1 works out for you. I think it's an excellent iOS and it works great on my old iPad1 (that my sister bought). The only problem she has with it is that some of the apps she likes won't run on any thing other than iOS 6. But - that is the only ing she has said is "wrong" with her iOS 5.1.1. So - here's hoping its the same for you. :)


P.S. I did, however, remove the link you put it for the steps to downgrade an iPad. We have our own tutorial section here (with most tutorials created by our resident expert, f4780y). The tutorial to downgrade to iOS 4.x is here: http://www.ipadforums.net/showthread.php?t=26815 (and I know it works as I've tested it myself). Thanks for understanding.

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