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Upgrading to/Troubleshooting iOS 7


iPF Novice
There are many problems of the same kind and/or questions that revolves around the same few problems in both iPhoneForums and iPadForums.

Specifically regarding upgraded devices from iOS 5 or 6 to iOS 7, many users opt for an OTA update because it seems "convenient" since it's all done via Wifi, you don't need a computer, and you just let it sit there and do its thing while you head off to do something else.

To users that are contemplating about upgrading to iOS 7, disregard 9 out of the 10 posts that claims that iOS 7 results in a battery drain, or dead devices, or decrease in performance. The reason these issues are badmouthed is because users upgraded to iOS 7 rather than restoring to iOS 7. Difference is that upgrading patches over the current system cores that's on your device, whereas restoring is an utter and complete wipe of your device and installing a brand new, fresh out of the box iOS into your device. There is a huge difference between an upgrade and a restore.

For those that want to restore to iOS 7 from an earlier version of iOS such as iOS 5 and iOS 6 follow below:

1) Download a copy of the latest iOS IPSW for your device (current iOS 7.0.2 at the time of this post).

2) Do NOT update your iTunes if you haven't.

3) Backup your device using iTunes.

4) Place your device into DFU (device firmware update) mode.

5) Either hit shift/command + click the Restore button in iTunes and find your IPSW that you downloaded, or, if you haven't downloaded the IPSW, simply click the Restore button and iTunes will download it for you. If it does ask for an iTunes 11.1 download/update before you can proceed, then manually download the IPSW and use the shift/command + click method.

6) Now you can update your iTunes to 11.1 (if it's not already) so you can sync and interact with your device using iTunes

7) Post restoring, restore your backup and you'll essentially have your device like it was before but with the upgraded iOS.

For users that upgraded to iOS 7

If you UPGRADED to iOS 7 either using Settings.app's OTA update, or if you used the Update button in iTunes, backup your device, and follow the instructions above. If you're on iTunes 11.1 at this time, just follow the instructions while on iTunes 11.1. If you are having issues restoring in DFU mode and such, and you're getting iTunes errors. Go through this checklist:

1) Is my device in DFU mode.

2) Am I selecting the correct IPSW if I downloaded it manually.

3) Is my host files edited? Did I remove the host.umbrella in the same directory as my host file?

If all of the above is yes and you're still getting issues. Uninstall iTunes and remove the locally saved libraries, and download and install iTunes 11.0.5 below, then retry again. After your device is on iOS 7 once again, you can upgrade back to iTunes 11.1

Note: That many issues with devices upgraded to iOS 7 (not restored to iOS 7) can be solved with this simple restore. If you've restored, and you're still getting the same issues, then you can start acting on the issues as they may potentially be more complicated. If you have battery draining issues, turn off "Background App Refresh" and turn ON Reduce Motion.

Background App Refresh: Settings.app > General > Background App Refresh > toggle everything OFF

Reduce Motion: Settings.app > General > Accessibility > Reduce Motion > toggle this ON

Mac OSX: https://secure-appldnld.apple.com/iT...unes11.0.5.dmg

Windows 32-bits: https://secure-appldnld.apple.com/iT...TunesSetup.exe

Windows 64-bits: https://secure-appldnld.apple.com/iT...nes64Setup.exe

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