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Upload photo's from iPad to internet

I'm trying to upload a photo from my iPad to a website but the add image button is grayed out. Anyone know of a browser which will allow me to do this?
Welcome to the forum! Good to "see" you and I hope you enjoy your visit(s).

As for your photos, there are a couple of options you can try, neither of which is using Safari.

For the first, see about getting an online photo management, such as Photobucket. You can get an app [free] in the App Store and with it, you can upload pictures to your Photobucket account for pasting/linking in other sites. The Photobucket account is free (you can pay for more services, should you wish). Disclaimer: this is the method I use if I'm not using my desktop computer.

Or, you can try an app called iCab Mobile ($1.99, USD). It's a web browser that does have the ability to upload pictures to a web site. I've not tried this myself, but I've read where several members here have - and swear by it.

There are more options (one of them is that you can jailbreak your iPad and then use some tweaks). But, these are the ones that I've read are most useful.

Good luck and do let us know how you get on.


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