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Uploading Files For Web-Based E-Mail


iPF Noob
Attaching to emails is the opposite of what people expect is their normal way on Windows. There is a good reason though. Because files are stored in or by app rather than a traditional file system (sand boxing), they need to be pushed "out" to the email app rather than pulled "in" to the email app. It is not the app itself, it is iOS. I could not foresee any other email app could do it either.

I'm a little late to this party, but wanted to ask... When I am using a web based email program like Netzero or my companies Outlook client, I also cannot attach files... The "choose file" or "select file" button that would normally bring up a file browser is greyed out. Am I to understand this is also a result of "sand boxing"? I am on a jailbroke iPad 3... Is there any work-around?

Any feedback appreciated, and feel free to bump me to the hack section if that seems appropriate.

Would that be in Safari? If so, Safari does not allow any type of uploading files at this time. Maybe someone could recommend a browser for you that does.
I'm a little late to this party, but wanted to ask... When I am using a web based email program like Netzero or my companies Outlook client, I also cannot attach files... The "choose file" or "select file" button that would normally bring up a file browser is greyed out. Am I to understand this is also a result of "sand boxing"? I am on a jailbroke iPad 3... Is there any work-around?

Any feedback appreciated, and feel free to bump me to the hack section if that seems appropriate.


You are right. It is a result of sandboxing. Safari can not access the files of other apps. With iOS 6 there is now one exception, which I'll get to shortly. The iCab Mobile browser will allow you to upload to many (but not all) websites, but, with the exception of photos, it requires you to copy the file to iCab first; using Open In or some other method. There might be other third party browser that use this to get around sandboxing, but iCab is the only one I know of for sure.

Would that be in Safari? If so, Safari does not allow any type of uploading files at this time. Maybe someone could recommend a browser for you that does.

Safari in iOS 6 now recognizes the Upload and Choose buttons on websites, but it will only allow you to take a photo, or choose one from the Photos app.
You are right. It is a result of sandboxing. Safari can not access the files of other apps. With iOS 6 there is now one exception, which I'll get to shortly. The iCab Mobile browser will allow you to upload to many (but not all) websites, but, with the exception of photos, it requires you to copy the file to iCab first; using Open In or some other method. There might be other third party browser that use this to get around sandboxing, but iCab is the only one I know of for sure.

Safari in iOS 6 now recognizes the Upload and Choose buttons on websites, but it will only allow you to take a photo, or choose one from the Photos app.

Thanks. Major bummer. All this "copy the file you want to attach/upload somewhere else and then attach it" crap is crazy and inefficient. Got to be some way around it for the jailbroken?
I don't jailbreak, but from what I've seen it doesn't get you around sandboxing either. It is a fundamental part of iOS.
First, in case any one wonders: I took this question out of an existing thread to move it over here to the Hacking Section. Hopefully, the forum software won't leave y'all wondering where this thread went... :)

This is because there are ways to do what you want but they can only be done with a jail broken iPad. So, we'll continue the conversation here..

There is a tweak that will let you upload virtually any file to the web (using Safari). It's called "Safari Upload Enabler" ($1.99, USD). Have a look at it on Cydia, but it allows you to access the iPad's files so you can upload to the web. Oh, and I made a review/overview on it that can be found here: http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...oad-enabler-upload-photos-files-directly.html

There is also a tweak to use while in the Mail app called "Any Attach" ($1.99, USD). It operates on the same premise - access all the files on the iPad so you can attach them to an e-mail. With this one, you can even access your Dropbox account (if you have one). And yes, I also reviewed that one (:)); the review's here: http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...ch-attach-any-file-e-mail-while-mail-app.html

Hopefully, one or the other (or both) will work for what you want. Good luck and holler back if you have more questions.

First, in case any one wonders: I took this question out of an existing thread to move it over here to the Hacking Section. Hopefully, the forum software won't leave y'all wondering where this thread went... :)

This is because there are ways to do what you want but they can only be done with a jail broken iPad. So, we'll continue the conversation here..

There is a tweak that will let you upload virtually any file to the web (using Safari). It's called "Safari Upload Enabler" ($1.99, USD). Have a look at it on Cydia, but it allows you to access the iPad's files so you can upload to the web. Oh, and I made a review/overview on it that can be found here: http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...oad-enabler-upload-photos-files-directly.html

There is also a tweak to use while in the Mail app called "Any Attach" ($1.99, USD). It operates on the same premise - access all the files on the iPad so you can attach them to an e-mail. With this one, you can even access your Dropbox account (if you have one). And yes, I also reviewed that one (:)); the review's here: http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...ch-attach-any-file-e-mail-while-mail-app.html

Hopefully, one or the other (or both) will work for what you want. Good luck and holler back if you have more questions.


confirmed: Safari Upload Enabler works with web-based Netzero email.

Hurray! Glad it worked for you.

And, thanks for coming back and telling us your issue got resolved. Always nice to hear back - especially the success stories. :)


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