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USB charger for PC and IPAD


iPF Noob
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
carmel indiana
Has anyone come out with a usb cord that will boost the voltage so you can charge an ipad on a non apple pc ?
You do not want to boost the voltage. USB devices work at 5V. The iPad will charge at the standard 500mw, but will only show charging with 1000mw. In the future, more and more devices will be rated for the higher current, but until then, the best bet is to turn the iPad off while charging from a traditional port. It will be far easier to get additional chargers from the aftermarket vendors than to sweat boosting the output of any computer.
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Yeah it's pretty lame that sometimes I can charge it just fine on my HP laptop fine and other times it has to be off or locked. Oh well thank god it comes with a free charger in the box lol!

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