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Using the internet on a cruise in Europe


iPF Noob
Sep 20, 2010
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I just purchased my new Ipad. I am leaving on a cruise in Europe and would like to bring my ipad along to use the internet. I have 3g availability with my Ipad, but wanted to know what is the best way to go about using the internet in Europe. They have internet service available on the boat to purchase. Would I need to do anything else? Are roaming charges involved? I would like to use it the most economical way. These are the requirements to use the service on the ship:•Windows-based operating systems•Internal modem•Dial-up Internet capabilities•Wireless access card. Thank you.
I can say from personal experience Cruises are great but nothing on them is cheap (other than the great food, and the midnight chocolate buffet, which is included) :) I know cellular/3G use on a cruise is very expensive. The cruise company could tell you the cellular/3G rates, but I bet they are very high. ( in addition ATT might get you with roaming charges) My own opinion is that if you can live with wi-fi that would be the way to go. On the cruises I have been on with Holland America, they charge you a daily rate for wi-fi connectivity. It seems like it was around $15-$20 per day. They have an IT center onboard the ship that would be able to asssist you with setting up your wi-fi connection, and they'd bill the daily charges to your onboard account. In Europe, my opinion is that again, if you can live with wi-fi connectivity at hot spots, that would be the cheapest way to go. I haven't been to Europe for 7-8 years so I'm not sure how widespread public wi-fi is over there right now; perhaps another member could comment on that. Just be very sure to hang on to the device wherever you go, there is a fair amount of street crime and you want to be sure not to lose your new device;) Hope you have a great time.

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