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Using the "less than or equal to" symbol in a spreadsheet


iPF Noob
I am trying to create a spreadsheet in Numbers. One of the equations calls for the "less than or equal to..." symbol.

Every time I try to enter it I get the error button (exclamation point on red triangle".)

Can someone help me by explaining how to format is cell to receive this symbol?

Yes, either. The spreadsheet will not accept it in the cell when I use the Numbers app. It just gives me an error message.

For example, if I were to type "<= 30" into a cell under a column heading called "Limits" I would get an error message, usually prefacing a syntax error.

I would get the same syntax error if I were to use the correct symbol as well.
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The spreadsheet calls for 3 columns, an X column with a quantity in it, a Y column with a quantity in it, and a limits column with a quantity limit in it.

Are you saying that I may have to type the entire equation in the cell to get it to accept the symbol? Example, 5x -4y <= 30

I'm saying that the logic statement has to be correctly give ... like if(x<=y,true,false). That kind of thing. If the logic is true, what happens, and if it is false, what then. At least that's my experience ...
Yea. You're right. I guess I thought there was an option to simply type it in as separate characters.

Thanks. I guess I should have just done that from the beginning.

I haven't used numbers but you might try an if statement

=IF(A1+B1 <=30,whatever you want if less than or equal to,what you want if greater than)

For instance, if you want to see the answer if it is less than or equal to 30 and a blank if greater than it would look something like this ill use sum instead of adding here

=IF(SUM(A1,B1) <= 30,SUM(A1,B1),"")

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