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Using USB memory stick with camera accessory kit


iPF Noob
Is there any way to watch a movie on the iPad using a USB memory stick and the camera connection kit? When I plug in my USB stick, I get a message saying that it isn't getting enough power from the iPad.
The quick answer to your question is 'No'. In the latest iOS update, Apple reduced the current capability of the 30-pin connector so that it now won't power many USB sticks. Even if it powers your stick, you can't watch the movie directly from the stick, rather you have to upload it first to the iPad. No way around this unless you jail break.


Wow!! It's not good practice to give someone bad information.


There is a way to mount a USB stick to watch movies. There are very few USB sticks that work like Tim mentioned but for some it's still possible.

First follow this thread. Once you have familiarized yourself with the topic, check out these instructions on how to get started. There is an app called yxplayer2 that I use to watch my movies because it handles many different formats. You can create a 'sym-link' in the yxplayer2 application folder under Documents just like Maxwell Shay did with the Goodreader application.

slimshotty said:

Wow!! It's not good practice to give someone bad information.


Explain the "bad" information for my benefit please.
f4780y said:
Explain the "bad" information for my benefit please.

Slim didn't read the part where Tim said this was possible through a jailbreak, which Slim's second link says you must do. Hence, Slim just has bad reading skills. :-)
But the problem with jailbreak is that if you update your apps you lose your jail break, yes? Also the apple icon is replaced by a skull so people know your iPad is jail broken, which I don't want. I don't want to jail break. Is there a way to watch videos on an SD card using the camera connection kit?
Skiier said:
Also the apple icon is replaced by a skull so people know your iPad is jail broken, which I don't want.

Oh, you are too funny.

How often do you restart your iPad in the public? Btw. my iPad is jail broken with redsn0w and it shows the Apple boot logo when starting, there is no Pineapple anywhere to be found.

You have to make a choice, if you want to access content from external media, I.e. watch movies from them, then you will have to jailbreak.

And concerning your first part, updating apps does not, under no circumstance remove the jailbreak. Upgrading the iPad firmware on the other hand will.
No you won't lose your jailbreak if you update your apps, I update my apps on my iPhone everyday. You only lose the jailbreak if you do a system update before the jailbreak is released for it. And my Apple logo wasn't replaced with a skull either.

The only way I've read about someone using an sd card and camera connection kit is that they had to transfer the movie from the card to the iPad in order to watch it. And when they imported it to the iPad it showed up in the photo app on their iPad but they could watch the movie still.
I will test that theory out here in a little bit and let you know how it goes.

edit: Dontunderstand beat me. Thats what happens when you take too long to type the response.
I cannot in my job afford to take the risk of being seen to have breached a licence and I don't, unfortunately, understand geek speak, LOL, so I wouldn't know how to jail break. I guess I'll now brace myself for some serious flaming. ;)
jtrosky said:
There you have it - a solution for a non-jailbroken device! Those HyperDrives look kinda cool.... I can see businesses using them (because you don't have to jailbreak)...

Even so... You still can't watch the movie off the drive can you? You would still have to transfer the movie to the iPad first.
GlenL said:
Even so... You still can't watch the movie off the drive can you? You would still have to transfer the movie to the iPad first.

Good question... To be honest, I've never used one... Not sure if the iPad can read directly from the HyperDrive or not...

I'll have to see what I can find out about that. I'll let you know what I find (if anything)...

EDIT: Ok, just checked - it looks like you do indeed have to "import" the videos or photos to the iPad before viewing them.... That really kinda sucks!
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Ah I AM a downhill skier it's all downhill from here, I fear, with no movie watching capability and me hating the PC ITunes program. I did buy a program that transfers music using Windows Media Player and will try using that to transfer a movie. But the reason for watching on a stick is that each movie is a few hundred Mb.

I suppose that even if I did manage to get my iPad to read a movie off a USB stick, the next problem would be recognising the MPG or AVI file, and then getting the right codec, and then getting the lip sync right. I am a real optimist!
But the problem with jailbreak is that if you update your apps you lose your jail break, yes? Also the apple icon is replaced by a skull so people know your iPad is jail broken, which I don't want.

It is? I don't have a skull. And updating your apps doesn't make you lose your JB. Could you imagine?

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