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using your Ipad for photos


iPF Noob
Anyone here using any of the photo apps to "play" with on their IPAD?

I have been thinking of downloading a few apps, not for serious post processing , but mainly for fun while traveling.

Any issues with copying images from IPAD back to computer?

I am a photographer not a computer whiz so keep it simple:o
I shoot RAW and upload to Ipad for backup and viewing/sharing. I really like Filterstorm and Photogene. FS will seem more familiar if you use Photoshop and/or Lightroom. Rather than upload from the Ipad I just use enough memory cards so I can keep them for storage until I can upload to main processing computer where I process for printing and web gallery. Still, you can upload to Flickr and more from the apps plus share in email. You can also move with Dropbox.

You will be working with the embedded jpegs only if you shoot in RAW but these are large enough except for Leicas where you need to shoot in RAW + jpeg. I love the immediacy of uploading files to the Ipad and playing with them. Some I know do edit here and delete and then upload via Itunes so there is that option too. I carry my Ipad in my camera bag with the camera connectors all the time.

Thought I would mention the app Collections. You can creat some nice 'photo books' with it and it keeps getting better


Anyone here using any of the photo apps to "play" with on their IPAD?

I have been thinking of downloading a few apps, not for serious post processing , but mainly for fun while traveling.

Any issues with copying images from IPAD back to computer?

I am a photographer not a computer whiz so keep it simple:o
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i shoot raw+jpeg so that doesn't seem to be an issue.

Haven't worked out the moving of images from storage types, but storage is storage. So moving images from an IPAD back to a memory card should be an easy function.

I have no interest in emailing these files , or sending them to a website, so that isn't an issue either.

Picked up a camera connection kit yesterday and will give it a try this weekend.
I have not really worked the iPad into my actual workflow yet. I dont think I will.

I have, however, after getting home from a 16-day trip to Scotland, ran a quick RAW-JPG conversion and upload to iPad just to show some photos to people until I have the actual time to work on the photos. I have played some with Adobe's PS Express to do some quick editing to create a background for my iPad.

Will the iPad ever work its way into my workflow? I doubt it unless you consider a "digital frame" to display photos part of a work-flow.
A lot of people are using it for their portfolio or an addition to their portfolio. That's basically how I use it. I don't think you can move files back to a card as is possible with 'regular' computers. One of the easiest ways to move files is with Dropbox, a 'cloud' app. Of course you can always move files around with Itunes.

I doubt many use it as part of their workflow. But its great to review while you are in the field or traveling and with memory so cheap you don't have to carry a laptop/drive. I just carry enough cards and backup on Ipad and looking for a small drive similar to my old Epson 1000 without the review screen--just storqge for long trips.

Haven't worked out the moving of images from storage types, but storage is storage. So moving images from an IPAD back to a memory card should be an easy function.

I have spent the past day working with the Camera Adapter for the first time. I am fairly certain that, as mentioned in a couple of other threads, it is not possible to directly transfer photo files on the iPad back to the original or any other memory card. When you plug your memory card into the Camera Adapter the iPad looks for and finds the photos on the card and offers to upload all or a selected group of photos into the iPad's photo storage area. The iPad DOES NOT recognize the memory card as an external storage device and, at least in my experience, does not offer any options to transfer photos from the iPad back to a card.

When you plug your iPad into a Windows computer, the scanner/camera wizard opens and you can use that to transfer some or all of the iPad photos to the computer. This is when you find out that the iPad has renamed the photos with its own naming convention.

My wife and I are leaving in a couple of days for a cruise and I wanted to find a way to download my daily photos from the cameras without having to drag this computer along. I can still do that and use the iPad as a storage device but I will do it simply as a backup. I will leave the photos, in their original names, on the camera cards and will download them to the computer when I get home. The copies I have downloaded to the iPad while away from home will be used only to review the daily photos on a good viewing device and as an emergency copy if anything should happen to the originals before transferring them to a computer.

I may be missing something but I think this is the way the iPad Camera Adapter works.

Yep the basic photos app on the iPad is crap ATM. Organization is primitive and I use it mainly for reviewing a days take in comfort.
That said I found Photogene and Filterstorm to be excellent and powerful apps. So is Retouch for removing blemishes.
I wouldn't use it as a regular workflow process; more for fun while traveling, etc.

The news about not being able to move files from the IPAD back to another source is not a happy bit of news.

I believe i saw an app recently that is suppose to move files from the pad to various other sources. I suppose i better go do some research.
The news about not being able to move files from the IPAD back to another source is not a happy bit of news.

Actually, I did find that you could. I just plugged the iPad into the PC (win7) and it saw it as a "camera/imaging device" and I could see and copy the files from the iPad that Adobe's Photoshop Express edited. I did not launch iTunes.

i also found with a bit of google help someone who said they just drugged the image from the ipad to the desktop.

Haven't had time to test this out but will give it a try this weekend and also try your version as well.
Actually, I did find that you could. I just plugged the iPad into the PC (win7) and it saw it as a "camera/imaging device" and I could see and copy the files from the iPad that Adobe's Photoshop Express edited. I did not launch iTunes.

That is correct. There is really no problem getting photos that have been uploaded onto the iPad from a memory card back off of the iPad and onto a computer. You can do that fairly easily using either iTunes or the "camera/imaging device" utility in Windows. The problem arises if you really want to get the photos off of the iPad and onto a memory card for transportation without having to use a computer as the "middle-man". The fact that the iPad does not see USB card readers, attached through the Camera Adapter, as memory storage devices makes that adapter a one-way-only attachment point.
I guess I never really considered this an issue, since the iPad is not in my workflow to begin with - only a quick way of looking at photos. Even then, that is after I have already downloaded the images from the cards onto my PC and have the originals backed up.

My images are much to valuable to risk losing in an errant transfer between the card and a portable device. Even if the Camera Adapter were a 2-way street.

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