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Vacation in France


iPF Noob
Feb 24, 2011
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Happily off to south of France this week and apartment has a wi-fi connection. Just wanted to check that iPad will recharge ok with adapter.
Pretty sure it should but wanted to check and see if it takes longer and how long? Thanks.

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Yes - it will charge just fine as long as you have the normal travel adaptor. It will take exactly the same time to charge as in the UK or US.

Yes - it will charge just fine as long as you have the normal travel adaptor. It will take exactly the same time to charge as in the UK or US.


Thats great, thanks Tim. S

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Stephen19 said:
Thats great, thanks Tim. S

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Ok, all is working well in Antibes, France as you said, apart from one thing. Email!
I receive email fine but cannot send. Is this because I should set up a new server to send? But then why didnt I need to do this to receive?
I have a workaround using my internet email but long winded of course.
Any advice welcome. Thanks.

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Yes indeed the charger is good for 100 to 240 volts. You only need to use a simple plug adapter. I bring a short extension cord with me and put the plug adapter on the extension cord. This way I can recharge both my camera and my iPad at the same time.

I was in France this summer and travel routinely in Canada and US and I always connect to the wifi of the hotels. I usually stay in mid range hotels where the wifi is free, as opposed to more luxurious hotels where the wifi is extra and expensive.

I never have any issue with email.

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Stephen19 said:
Thats great, thanks Tim. S

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Ok, all is working well in Antibes, France as you said, apart from one thing. Email!
I receive email fine but cannot send. Is this because I should set up a new server to send? But then why didnt I need to do this to receive?
I have a workaround using my internet email but long winded of course.
Any advice welcome. Thanks.

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The problem is that you're using non-secure SMTP. The original SMTP didn't need a password so most email service providers won't accept outgoing email on SMTP without the SSL (secure login). It's OK when you're at home because, there, they can authenticate your identity but, when you're not at home, they have no way of knowing who you really are and, since SMTP without SSL doesn't require a password, you could 'pretend' to be anyone you wanted to.

Do you know if your service provider offers SSL? If so, edit your email settings for SMTP and tick the SSL box. The account name should be your email address and the password your 'normal' email password. The port number should be 465. Now, with SSL, because you have to login, the service provider can guarantee it's you.

This 'problem' is generically known as the 'Port 25 relay problem' because non-SSL SMTP uses TCP/IP Port 25 to send email.

The problem is that you're using non-secure SMTP. The original SMTP didn't need a password so most email service providers won't accept outgoing email on SMTP without the SSL (secure login). It's OK when you're at home because, there, they can authenticate your identity but, when you're not at home, they have no way of knowing who you really are and, since SMTP without SSL doesn't require a password, you could 'pretend' to be anyone you wanted to.

Do you know if your service provider offers SSL? If so, edit your email settings for SMTP and tick the SSL box. The account name should be your email address and the password your 'normal' email password. The port number should be 465. Now, with SSL, because you have to login, the service provider can guarantee it's you.

This 'problem' is generically known as the 'Port 25 relay problem' because non-SSL SMTP uses TCP/IP Port 25 to send email.


Thanks Tim. I can see I do have port 25 set up and non SSL. Tried ticking this to yes (SSL) but was not asked to enter name or password, it went right into Veryfying which failed...after a long while. Dont wish to muck it up for when back home and can live without it pn holiday - but I would like to know as would like to use in coffee shops etc when back and out and about!
Have I missed anything?

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OK - the easiest way is to try to set up a duplicate account - but this one with SSL. Then you'll be offered the option of putting in the port number, account name and password. Then, when you get it working, you can delete the old account. This duplicate account will be identical for receiving email, just different for sending email - i.e. will try to use SSL.


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