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Very new Iphone user--unlocked 3gs

Just purchased a new Iphone, unlocked 16Gb, 3GS. I have set the phone up and will be purchasing a TMobile $50 a month all encompassing plan. I understand that plan will give me unlimited service, text, phone and data. I think this is the way to go, however I am open to suggestions. My next purchase is planned to be an Ipad, probably around Xmas...either new 7" or regular Ipad 2 or 3. I came across some info on Icloud and I question as to whether or not would be an application of value to me. I have had an ITunes account for 2 years and have never purchased anything from ITunes. I have an IPOD with over 6,000 songs, but ripped those songs from local library CD's. I understand I can use "Match" at a cost of $25 a year to import most of that library to my IPhone if I chose. I have a regular PC, not an Apple. I would appreciate all comments regarding the use of ICloud and suggestions relating to general IPhone usage. Glad to be aboard!:o

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