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Very specific Note-taking app question


iPF Noob
Hey everyone, I've been digging around a lot for iPad note taking apps, and while some of them have cool features and whatnot, I ironically am looking for a very simple feature that seems to be hard to come by.

I'm a BIG fan of bolding stuff, indenting, using proper bullets. It's not sexy, but it keeps thought clumped together well.

I know Pages does this, but is there a cheaper notetaking app that provides this kind of formatting? Most examples I've seen don't seem to have this very basic formatting.
Try searching for outliner in the App Store. Should give a a few more options to investigate.

Personally I'm interested in Circus Ponies Notebook, mostly because I love the OS X version. But it doesn't fit your criteria of cheaper than Pages, to put it mildly.
Notability has the best outlining

Use Notability when you want to take notes in an outline format. It supports simple indented lists, bullet lists and number lists.

It's the best!

Notability will allow you to completely customize your text including color, size, bold/italics, style, highlighting, indentation, and bullets or numbering. It also will allow for inserting of images (pictures, web images, or hand drawn pictures such as graphs) with text wrapping around.

In Notability you can sync and amplify audio recordings with your notes so it is easy to remember recall what was being said at the time of the note.

You can also export as a pdf+recording or just as a pdf if you prefer with drop box integration.

Coming soon the app will support iDISK and webDAV.
Thank you for all of the feedback

Thank you to everyone providing feedback on note taking apps. A quick update on Notability:

Ginger Labs continues to update Notability with the most-requested features.

Notability 2.06 is a big update and includes these new features:

- RTF and RTFD file types to edit notes on a computer.
- iDisk and WebDAV backup and sharing services.
- Batch upload of all file types to online services and iTunes, as well as batch printing.

Here is a link for more information. Please do not hesitate to contact us with thoughts and suggestions. We love hearing from people. Notability for iPad on the iTunes App Store

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