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iPF Novice
I have no idea at all about video but have a couple of clips I recorded recently on my iPad4 64GB. I have downloaded iOS8 and I know I need a video editor software, but which one. The more idiot proof the better.

I use a Wndows 7 ultimate PC and would like to use my twin monitors to help with editing if thats possile rather than try and edit on the iPad. Any help would be appreciated.
I have no idea at all about video but have a couple of clips I recorded recently on my iPad4 64GB. I have downloaded iOS8 and I know I need a video editor software, but which one. The more idiot proof the better.

I use a Wndows 7 ultimate PC and would like to use my twin monitors to help with editing if thats possile rather than try and edit on the iPad. Any help would be appreciated.
Have you considered Apple's iMovie video editing app? It does a very good job for a basic video editing app. It's free for newer qualifying devices. For older devices it's $4.99.
Thank you, but that is clear. I would like to edit on a larger screen, so prefer editing on my PC if possible.

Is there anyone else who can perhaps shed more light on this question please, or is this not a possibility with i-movie, or a simple 'idiot proof' purchased App that would work on both?
I believe Windows comes with Windows Movie Maker (if they still call it that). That should do the trick for basic editing.

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I believe Windows comes with Windows Movie Maker (if they still call it that). That should do the trick for basic editing.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Thanks for that. I found it (Windows Essentials 2012) and downloaded, but it has loads of other programs on it as well that I don't want, so I uninstalled it. Is there any other 'simple' movie maker program I could consider please.
Thanks for that. I found it (Windows Essentials 2012) and downloaded, but it has loads of other programs on it as well that I don't want, so I uninstalled it. Is there any other 'simple' movie maker program I could consider please.
Nothing I can recommend, many other editing programs cost $$$ - you could google free video editing programs for more options.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Many thanks. I have now downloaded iMovie on my iPad and paid a small charge. I'll see how I get on with it. Although I have had my iPad some time, I haven't really done mutch with the movie part of it, just shot about 4 clips, but want to do more. Looking for a suitable iPad holder thta I can put on my tripod, which will probably be on my Chrstmas list.

Chers guys.
Feeling ripped off. Downloaded imovie last night and looked at it today. It looked different from what I had found on my PC on how to use iMovie, which was version 11. I have downloaded version 2.1.1. which seemsold.
How is someone supposed to know that there are several versions when they are not really 'with it' as far as computer programs and Apps?

Can anyone please tell me what I should be looking for on the iPad APP selection as there are loads of movie apps and I am completly confused and fed up
iMovie for the iPad and computer are two separate apps. iMovie iOS version 2.1.1 for the iPad and iPhone is the latest version. iMovie OSX version 10.0.6 for Mac computers is the latest version. The Mac version offers more features and takes advantage of the more powerful capabilities of the desktop or laptop computer.
It is not a old version. iOS 2.21 version is current and works fine on iOS 8. OS X version has been around for 10 years plus and has nothing to do with the iPad version you could transfer your movies to your PC and edit them on your PC using a PC video edit suite
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Thanks. Guess I'm stuck with the old version then. Is this the best Apple can do on iOS8?
I would say yes to the second part of your question. More complex editing requires some processing power better suited to a Mac or PC. iMovie projects from iOS version can be imported into iMovie on OSX (Mac).

I personally use Pinnacle on iOS rather than iMovie, but I have used the Mac version of iMovie on a number of occasions.

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