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Videos missing


iPF Noob
This is a weird one. I went to watch a couple movies and they were all missing. I did a reboot and they were still missing. I went into the iTunes Store and my purchases show up. I also went into the general stats and it show 20 movies in there, but no videos in the video app? I haven't up loaded my movies that I have converted from DVD in about 6 months or so. I don't really use my computer for any of that. Any ideas would be helpful.
leiterch said:
This is a weird one. I went to watch a couple movies and they were all missing. I did a reboot and they were still missing. I went into the iTunes Store and my purchases show up. I also went into the general stats and it show 20 movies in there, but no videos in the video app? I haven't up loaded my movies that I have converted from DVD in about 6 months or so. I don't really use my computer for any of that. Any ideas would be helpful.

Are you sure you were looking in the movies section of the videos app? They won't show up if you look in the TV shows or music videos sections. Here's a thought, try looking in your iTunes purchased list for the movies. If the movies are on your iPad, they will show up there. If a movie on the list is actually on your iPad, you will see something like this if you tap on the icon.

image-3959456295.webpIf you want to watch it, tap on the watch button. If the movie is not on your iPad at the time, you will see a cloud icon where the watch button in my screenshot is.

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