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VPN-Any tricks?


iPF Noob
Jul 25, 2010
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Hi All,

I am trying to configure my iPad to connect to the same VPN accounts as my Windoze PC, but have not had much luck as yet.
I have connected to a couple of different WiFi networks, and they can browse the internet no problems, but when I try & connect to the VPN, it seems like it times out.
Should this just work, or is there something else that I need to to? (VPN host, Firewall setting, iPad configuration etc?)

I see there is a VNC app available, this would add so much more power to what we are already anticipating using it for.
There are a number of vnc apps available in the appstore, but I would check in these forums for discussions on these clients.
I remember a long thread not too long ago concerning which was the best.
I have been running Mocha VNC Lite for a few weeks now on the iPhone and iPad and have had no problems at all.

I use Tight VNC on the PC and just Screen Share on the Mac.

It is great.

The key to VPN is matching the iPad's setup with the network you are connecting to. There are some VPNs the iPad doesnt support. You might need to contact someone in IT about which settings to set for your VPN. There are several options. I would think that you should be able to match how you have it in windows on the iPad.
Thanks for the replies dudes,

I have seen all the VNC app's available, we quite reguarly use LogMeIn, and I have this installed & working just fine, but some sites require a more secure method, such as the VPN & VNC/RDP methods.

I have been running Mocha VNC Lite for a few weeks now on the iPhone and iPad and have had no problems at all.

I use Tight VNC on the PC and just Screen Share on the Mac.

It is great.
Hi Ed,
How do you create the intial connection to the network where the PC you are connecting to resides?

The key to VPN is matching the iPad's setup with the network you are connecting to. There are some VPNs the iPad doesnt support. You might need to contact someone in IT about which settings to set for your VPN. There are several options. I would think that you should be able to match how you have it in windows on the iPad.
This is the key that I am trying to un-ravel! Most of my windoze connections are automatic, but looks like they are PPTP connections. I am wondering if the iPad uses a different port to the windoze VPN, and htat maybe the firewall I am on is not allowing it?
Apart from that, the setup does look very simple, & the device itself is awesome!!!
If you connected with a default setup in Windows, try
Server - use an ip address if a server name doesnt work
Account - Your username on the domain you are connecting to
RSA SecureID - off
Password - your password
Encryption - Auto
Send all traffic ON
Proxy - OFF
If you connected with a default setup in Windows, try
Server - use an ip address if a server name doesnt work
Account - Your username on the domain you are connecting to
RSA SecureID - off
Password - your password
Encryption - Auto
Send all traffic ON
Proxy - OFF
Thanks pallentx, I have tried most things, but am going to keep trying :eek:, I even tried removing the password, so that I would get prompted like windoze does, but no joy yet..

I have not been able to get VPN working either for my iPad, hopefully it can be done.
Yep, me too. I do not have it with me just now :)mad: getting withdrawal symptons), but will have another go tonight.
If / when this does work, will just add so much more. I wonder if there a separate VPN app available, must have a lookc..
Also make sure you put you username is just as it is when you log in locally. Dont try to get fancy and qualify your domain with domain\username or username@domain. I doubt that's what you are doing, but I tried it qualified at first and it wouldn't connect like that.
Will do, am pretty sure I have the same details as my windoze one..

I have used the direct IP, ie- 123.321.456.12 & my username & password.
Will try again later this afternoon/evening.

Is there certain types of 'hosts', or ports that are required? I have tried 4-5 different ones so far, but only from 3x different WiFi networks.
Ok, so I got the connection working :D.

The next thing I am working on is getting the VNC app to work...

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