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Waiting for iPad 3


iPF Noob
I love my iPad Classic. For those of your who are wondering what iPad Classic is then worry no more. iPad Classic is the iPad First Generation released by Apple in 2010 or earlier. I have used the 16 GB wifi only, the 32 GB/WIFI/3G and now the 64GB/WIFI/3G which I bought some 3 months ago. Then, the almighty Apple dazzled us with another fancy toy - the iPad 2. I have congratulated all those who bought this beautiful toy so don't accuse me of envy, pettiness and jealousy. My son is so curious of getting his Playbook that I had to do a lot of research on that RIM toy to see if I needed one. Yesterday, he came to me asking if I could rally some of my friends round so he could get us cheaper Playbook. I declined.

Some of us believe the 'War of the Tablet' has just started. No one knows who the winner will be. Reading through the accounts of those who have used the Playbook, they gave the tool thumb up for file sharing and storage. The iPad family is missing all these. I guess that Steve Job and his team will spring us a surprise before the year comes to an end so I am patiently waiting for iPad 3. I think the iPad 3 will address some of the issues being raised by Apple Fans all over the world. Are you also waiting for iPad 3?

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SweetPoison said:
I want the iPad3. Not sure if you would call it "waiting for it." I would have gotten iPad2 ~ but wanted other toys.:D

Me too but with 4:3 screen?

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Not certain I care who wins any tablet war just so long as I have an ultra portable device that does what I want.
File manipulation and storage will no doubt go the way of punch cards, as smarter OS's and cloud storage kick in. Computing is changing and for the better.

That said I'm loving the iPad2 and will no doubt be in line for the iPad3 :)
What's the point of being a grownup if you can't buy the toys you want?
I don't know much about the iPad2, and we all know the iPad3 isn't around the corner. The one and only thing I would like to see changed is to allow another browser to be allowed to be the default browser. That IMHO make Atomic or any other browser virtually useless.

If anything that's the once change I'd like to see. Flash would be nice but quite honestly I rarely go to a site where it's required so to me no big deal. It's never going to happen anyway.
File manipulation and storage will no doubt go the way of punch cards, as smarter OS's and cloud storage kick in.

Maybe in the world of Apple. Other wise there are to many people out there that want to be able to control their data and to do with it what they want. I for one hate the "cloud" and hate when an OS trys to prodict what I want and then limits me to that option.

Let's not forget the fact that when you give someone access to you data for storage, you are giving them access to your data. They will data mine it, they will pull information from it, and they will use it or they will sell it to someone that will.

One more question, what are you going to do when the "cloud" loses your data, like T mobile, hotmail, goggle, or Amazon have done in the last couple of years. In each case data was lost for days or in some cases forever.
File manipulation and storage will no doubt go the way of punch cards, as smarter OS's and cloud storage kick in.

Maybe in the world of Apple. Other wise there are to many people out there that want to be able to control their data and to do with it what they want. I for one hate the "cloud" and hate when an OS trys to prodict what I want and then limits me to that option.

Let's not forget the fact that when you give someone access to you data for storage, you are giving them access to your data. They will data mine it, they will pull information from it, and they will use it or they will sell it to someone that will.

One more question, what are you going to do when the "cloud" loses your data, like T mobile, hotmail, goggle, or Amazon have done in the last couple of years. In each case data was lost for days or in some cases forever.

It is true that there are times when I want to keep track of files on my own... but today I cleaned out my "downloads" folder on my iMac. It has 1,256 items. I amassed them over only a year. These are pdf's I read on the web, software I tried out, images I saved to post to forums... and other assorted junk.

But, to my horror, I discovered that a few useful applications I had downloaded from the internet... applications that I keep in the dock and use every single day... were sitting in this messy downloads folder! I almost deleted them by mistake!

Now, when I download applications for my iMac I use the iMac apps store. When I choose an app, it is placed in the dock, and saved to the applications folder. Macintosh is babying me-- but I love it. I don't want to think about this detail...

As for the cloud? I don't think of it as storage... it's more like back up. My cloud includes google docs, dropbox, facebook and my own webserver.

Important documents are in multiple locations. Facebook and google docs both have back up scripts that I burn from time to time. I'm not really worried... in fact I think I'm at less risk than before I entered the cloud.

I do not worry about security, privacy or my data being mined. I have worked in data mining and frankly there isn't much that can be done. I wish google could do a *better* job of choosing advertisement that might appeal to me. (Google seems to think I'm a geeky suburban man in my late 40s on the road to a mid-life crisis-- except for the geeky this is totally wrong.)

It is really hard to take mountains and mountains of data and get anything of value out of it.
I still have trouble understanding the file maintenance arguement. If you download music or movies or tv shows the iPad files them neaty in the iPod app in tabs clearly labeled. If you download a pdf file in iBooks it files it in a folder called, you guessed it, pdfs. ebooks filed to books. etc. Apps can be placed in folders on the home screens in nicely labeled folders controlled by the user. The iPad has its own intuitive file management system. Documents, spreadsheets, etc. are managed by the app you use them in. Organizing photos is a problem, I guess, but I only have dozens and not hundreds on my iPad so using folders for them is not really a problem for me. So, when it comes to file maintenence what part of the equation am I missing?

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