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Warning virus detected on IPAD air2


iPF Noob
got a popup URL alert-sa .com IN heading IOS SECURITY

pop up has EDITED Warning! Virus alert detected on your Apple Ipad. press 'OK' to scan

cannot close it down tried shut down etc (home + ...) and home button until resets

is it a virus in itself
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No, it's not a virus. You'll just need to clear out your Safari history and cookies and you'll be good to go.

In case you don't know where to go to clear Safari, here's where (apologies if you know).

Go to your Settings app and find the line title Safari; tap on it. Then, scroll down to the line "Clear History and Website Data" and tap it.

Once that is done, fully close out Safari (swipe up on the home page with four fingers and then swipe up to remove the Safari "card."

That should remove that notice and your Safari should be fine. Oh, and don't go back to that web site 'cause they aren't playing nice! :)

What you have is not a virus but a scamming program known as scareware. It's purpose is to scare you into thinking your device has been infected by a virus and will attempt to sell you malware disguised as an anti virus program. Do not click on any links and above all, do not give out any personal information such as your credit card number.

Marilyn's excellent advice will get rid of it for you.
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MICKEY330 and scifan57
Many thanks for your replies I could not do anything with SAFARI it was completely locked, did not click on item as they required ended up spending an hour with APPLE REPS on phone in the end I had to do a total restore and a restore from backup. I went through with all the normal things by myself and then went through everything and more with the tech. reps.
They did not have this one on their knowledge.
I'm sorry you had to go to all that trouble to get Safari working again, but I'm glad the scammer wasn't able to get anything from you.
Just say ......... Someone was stupid enough to click on it

And what looked like a downloading bar went across the screen

And it said "you have thirty seconds to download something"

And at that point you realised you'd been an idiot. Then what should you do to make sure ipad/iPhone is ok?
In the case of an iPad and/or iPhone, just do what's already been suggested. Especially the part about clearing history and data in Safari's settings.

These scare-ware sites are pointed at desktops. At this time there is no way for them to actually infect the iPad. At least none that have made the news.

Still, don't do this. While not likely, there is no guarantee that iOS will remain immune to this kind of attack. Besides, clicking/tapping on suspicious, unsolicited dialogs in browsers is a very bad habit. You might as well go traipsing down dark alleys with every stranger that offers you a deal. Metaphorically, of course.
Just to update I have been totally clear since this happened, I had before getting through to Apple cleared history and cookies via safari and also doubled up with clearing both using Norton ID Safe, tried closing page down nothing, tried switching off completely using power switch, tried then rebooting using home button and power switch, still could not close down safari. Even double clicking home button and flicking up it came back and even trying to close by clicking double box in top right hand corner or any other button on safari nothing would operate. I had as I thought clicked on Google to a well known safe site (will not say which one as it is obvious that it must have been a spoof site I clicked on)

I will say that Apple Tech were great the way they dealt not only with the problem but also with me seeing that it took an hour, well done Apple!
Hello everyone,

I just joined this forum just soon as I step into same problem like this one. I just browse 'boys stuff' using google chrome with my ipad mini & suddenly the browser redirect new tab with warning that my ipad has infected with trojan and ask for immediate repair but first you have to click 'ok'.
off course I didn't click it, I just do closing gesture with my fingers & it shuts properly.

The problem is, address seems quite legit since they mentioned itunes and apple, but when I access the direct link through my company PC it turns out that the security warns me abt. the risk of the website. I quote the link just for you're reference;

My question is:
1. Is it the same scare ware or is it apple/ itunes basically could send this warning & did they ever send this kind of warning before?

2. Frankly speaking, I got freaked out once I get this notification. Do you guys think that I should wipe my device?

Above all, I learned my lesson well by not going to such web anymore.
Thank you in advance for any comments or suggestions.

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Apple never sends out warnings like this. The link isn't to Apple and is designed just to scam you out of your money in order to pay for non-existent virus protection that's not needed.

Is Chrome working properly now, without the scam redirect? Did you clear the cookies and cache to minimize the chances of it's return?

BTW, please don't post links to scam sites like the one on your post. We don't even want the possibility of anyone clicking on it and being scammed.
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Thank you for your reply.
Got it, so it is 100% just another scam or scare ware. Almost got fooled since it's mentioning apple, itunes, stuff on the address.

Chrome keep on displaying that web page every time I open it & I can't do/ touch anything else, including go to setting option on top-right of the screen to cleanup history, cookies, etc. Seems the web restrict you to do anything except for hitting the "ok" button. So I decided to erase the apps, and may re-install later on.

So sorry, I didn't meant harm by put that link. Just so confused whether is it really from itunes or is it just my company pc too overprotected, but yeah I got your message well.

But I'm still restless, do you think it's necessary to wipe out my device? or like the other said that I might be too paranoia, end up asking for surgery whereas you will be just fine by taking aspirin.


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