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Watch Flash Videos From This Week on iPad and iPhone, But You’ll Have to Pay for It!


iPadForums News Team
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Finally! CNN Money reports today that iPad and iPhone owners will be able to get Flash on their devices from 9 a.m. ET this Thursday, albeit via a paid app. According to CNN Money, a startup company called Skyfire has devised a browser, which will cost $2.99, and which renders and translates a Flash video on a web page to HTML5. The Skyfire browser will then show a thumbnail that you can click on to stream the video from its servers, which will be doing all the donkey work.

This is just fantastic news for all of us who are frustrated by not being able to watch all the videos we want to online, but still a little bit annoying that we’ll have to pay for the privilege, and that Apple didn’t get it sorted themselves first. Don’t get too excited though if you think this will mean you can now watch Flash videos on Hulu, as CNN Money says that Hulu has stopped Skyfire from downloading its videos.

Source: CNN Money.com via AppleInsider
But of course. Hulus plan is to have as few viewers as possible and eventually go out of business. I just bought the google tv and of course they block it!! I'm sure their advertisers love all the impressions they are losing due to hulus idiotic hold on what browser can play content!! Like anyone is going to shell out $10 a month to watch a ton of commercials!!
Looking at the limitations on Cloud Browse for non-US users - Skyfire definitely seems like the better and cheaper option.
Sounds like this browser will be great. The ipad will feel much more complete with ios 4.2 and a quality flash browser!
forget all these ridiculous server based browser solutions...they are unsecure slow and honestly kinda creepy!

Grab Splashtop Remote. As long as you have a fast upload connection at home you can stream your desktop, movies, sound, HULU....you name it....I can stream Fallout: New Vegas on it with a very acceptable framerate!
I happened to grab it before it was pulled. Not very impressed. But if you had a specific video sight that you need on your iPhone/iPad I guess this could make that possible.

I thought it would be useful for some of the Facebook videos I run into but it wouldn't even recognize it.
I also tried it out and the annoying thing, it only works in phone mode which means it's pretty much worthless on the iPad...
I didn't even try the flash functionality because the size annoyed me so much.

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