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Watch movies on my Ipad2


iPF Noob
I want to load movies on my portable hard drive (to save space) and then watch them on my I pad 2. How does this happen.
DrBob said:
I want to load movies on my portable hard drive (to save space) and then watch them on my I pad 2. How does this happen.

It doesn't happen without jb, meaning not possible at the current time. On ipad 2, you have to download movies onto your iPad to watch them and this has to be done from a PC.

Sadly there is no other option.
Annoying as hell isn't it??

Another way apple screws the customer, if you could use a 500 gig hard drive with it nobody would ever buy a 64 gig iPad..........

By the way, you can store the movies on a PC and then watch them using air video on the iPad. That works super and you don't have to copy the movie to the device.

You can also stream movies directly to your ipad 2, so you don't have to copy them to your ipad to watch them. This is what I do now. Here is a FREE web streaming program:

What is MP4 Streaming Server? (updated to work with DVD Catalyst 4) | Tools4Movies - Home of DVD Catalyst

I started using his DVD Catalyst program last year, to rip movies for my Droid X. I then copied them all to my network drive. Then, I started streaming movies to my Xoom, (when I had it.) It was very nice to realize that I could also stream these exact same movies to my ipad 2, as well. I can stream either locally on my Wifi, or anywhere I have internet access. Since I can get online wherever I am with my ipad 2 (either via a Wifi router or my Droid X), I can then watch whatever movie I want to watch, wherever I am! I love it! This definitely frees up a ton of space on my ipad 2, but gives me access to my entire video library. I know that the developer is updating his streaming program, but it does work quite well, "as is."

If you have any problems getting it to work, simply email the developer...he has tremendous customer service! I hope this helps!
Air video lives streams the videos also. I have been ripping movies for 6 months for my DroidX and air video streams them just fine from my PC to wherever I am with the iPad and an Internet connection. (which is basically anywhere between either WiFi or wireless tether to the DroidX)

Air video lives streams the videos also. I have been ripping movies for 6 months for my DroidX and air video streams them just fine from my PC to wherever I am with the iPad and an Internet connection. (which is basically anywhere between either WiFi or wireless tether to the DroidX)


Air Video is my answer to watching movies on my iPad's at home without using storage on my devices. I haven't tried to watch them remotely but it is nice to hear that works too.
No problem at all and no, Apple did not

screw anyone.

I have a dozen movies on my 64 Gig iPads and regularly stream video to them (Netflix) as well. Coupled with all the books, apps, photos, and music I have plenty of room remaining for another dozen or two videos on the iPad but really, how many do you need to keep on it at once? Just hot synch them in or out whenever you want to.
screw anyone.

I 100% totally disagree (but that's fine). The fact that the IP2 has a standard USB port that in any other device in the universe would accept an external hard drive, but Apple disabled it to force you to spend more money on storage is disgraceful (& absolutely screwing the customer IMHO).

Don't get me wrong, I love my new ipad2 but it's certainly not perfect (like the apple fanboys here claim) & I also refuse to give apple credit when it is undeserved.

Crackle app, to me, is garbage. All the new movies only have clips, theres commercials every 20 mins, and the app likes to crash right when your getting into the movie. Hopefully there will be an update soon, to at least fix the crashing. And maybe some more good whole movies. If your Jailbroken, I highly recommend "StreamiPhD" in Cydia. It's FREE and gives you streaming news, documentaries, tv shows, movies, videos, anime, and online flash games. Even radio! If your not Jailbroken, go in safari to www.i4iphones.info/ sign up is free and they have all kinds of movies you can download or stream. Even ones still in theaters.

put thousands of movies on a Hyperdrive.


The OP asked "I want to load movies on my portable hard drive (to save space) and then watch them on my I pad 2. How does this happen." As far as I know this is the only portable hard drive that works with the ipads. Was just offering up a solution.

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