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Web clipping app in replace of Evernote?


iPF Noob
I am thinking of replacing evernote app with another app
that can display the frame and images of copied contents like evernote.
So far i failed to find an app that satisfy this simple desire despite there are tons of notetaking apps...
Anyone knows a good one?
I don't have any recommendations, being pretty happy with Evernote myself.

But I'm curious. What problem, or other-reason is making you want to replace Evernote?
I agree with that Evernote is brilliant program with nice design and many useful features.
But I can't help feeling they are super heavy and it makes me unwilling to open the app. (Mine is 4th)
Aside from the speed, the app version is not convenient for heavy tag users,
in that users have to click like third time just to enter certain tag or add a tag. :x
But it is still true that i feel thanks for its service and have been happy about it!
Thanks. I was curious.

I do most of my tagging in the OS X version, when I do my periodic cleanups every day or so. On the iPad and/or iPhone I only tag the obvious things when I first create a note, the ones I can remember and type in rather than select.

I also sprang for the premium account, which means I don't suffer from syncing lag when I open up the iPad version. I have it set to keep all my notes stored locally.

Good luck on your search.

P.S. Have you ever tried using the Everclip app for collecting information? If you are doing a lot of research in one session, it's very handy.
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Ah, I didnt know there was such a thing as everclip.
I always typed words like 'evernote', 'ever', 'image memo' but 'clipping' did not occur to me.
Maybe I have to dwell on everclip or other clipping app that syncs with evernote account,
because good Evernote alternative seems to be no where at this moment.
Thanks! I no longer search for it.
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One of the best ways to find Evernote compatible app is to go the the Evernote website and visit their App page (linked at the bottom of the main page).

Here's their lists of affliiated iPad apps: https://appcenter.evernote.com/platform/ipad

Evernote holds a developer competition every year. Most of these apps are from those competitions.

I use maybe six or seven of these; though in some cases the Evernote compatibility is just a bonus. If you search through them, maybe you'll find something that will let you do what you want in a lighter app, but keep Evernote as the main app, or something you can use as a backup.

Good luck.

Hmmm. This one looks like a good candidate: https://appcenter.evernote.com/app/clever-clip/ipad
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Thanks for the everclip suggestions - i save notes/research to evernote pretty heavily on my mac, but haven't found anything on the iPad to help clip new pages. i'll check this out
Thanks for the everclip suggestions - i save notes/research to evernote pretty heavily on my mac, but haven't found anything on the iPad to help clip new pages. i'll check this out

It's pretty handy. It saves all the clips in the Everclip app, where you can cull, combine, and tag them before sending them on to Evernote. My only complaint is that it times out too quickly for my rather casual approach to saving stuff. But it does warn you with a notification, so you can flip back to the app and give yourself another 10 minutes.

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