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Web design apps?

Hey all
Does anyone know a good app for web design? I'm not actually looking to make a whole website on the iPad, but an app that I can take and meet with a client, and make a layout on the iPad to get a basic idea of the clients wants and needs.
There was adobe proto, but its available anymore. Too bad bc it looked really good.
I have a sketch app (paper) that I could use, just wanted to see if there was a better app that some of you have had personal experience with.
Restless_rooster said:
Hey all
Does anyone know a good app for web design? I'm not actually looking to make a whole website on the iPad, but an app that I can take and meet with a client, and make a layout on the iPad to get a basic idea of the clients wants and needs.
There was adobe proto, but its available anymore. Too bad bc it looked really good.
I have a sketch app (paper) that I could use, just wanted to see if there was a better app that some of you have had personal experience with.

I just did a search of the App Store using the term web design. This is what showed up.

image-4079554588.webpI think you should do the same search and check out the apps to see if any of them meet your needs.
Well, there is HTML Egg, but that's a web publishing app, and template based. Not likely to do what you want, but maybe it's worth looking at.

I've that some developers use Keynote to experiment with UI layout ideas. I don't see why you could not do the same thing with web design. Besides being able to add text and shape, you can import relevant photos (if you have them).

It's even possible to set up some basic interactivity with links to move from slide to slide.

It would be neater than using Paper, but require some practice before you'd want to use it in front of a client. If you want to look like you know what you are doing, anyway. ;)
Just checked out Paper, to refresh my memory. As I suspected it will save to the camera roll (as will most sketch apps). That means you can actually combine the two methods for both structured and freehand elements.

As a bonus (discovered accidentally) if you keep the background off in your export options for Paper, the areas that you don't draw on are transparent when exported to the camera roll, and imported into Keynote. Thumbnails in the Photos app look weird, since it insists on borrowing other backgrounds, but still works.

This offers some farily creative opportunities in Keynote. Here is something I did almost by accident playing around.


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