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Web dev tools for the IPad Pro

Kip Carter

iPF Noob
i have been searching and really haven't found anything besides web based tools that you'd consider conducive for doing web design from your iPad Pro and I would really love to do exactly that!

Anyone have some thoughts?
Coda by Panic. I dont' use it (or anything) for web development; but from what I hear it is the best html editor for the iPad. Text based, anyway.

Weebly (which I do have) is the only site creation tool/service I know of where you get almost all their creation and managment tools in the app. I gather there are a few things you still have to go through a desktop browser and their site to do; but everything you need to set up a basic site is there.

Of course, web design is a broad field, and neither of these tools covers all asspects of the job.

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