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Web navigator


Is it possible to find another navigator than safari d'or iPad 1 Ios5?

Hi Christophe - I'm assuming that your iPad is 'crashing' frequently on Safari - correct? If so, keep in mind that iOS 5.x is old as is the technology in your device, e.g. only 256MB RAM (vs. 2 GB in current iPad models). I have 3 other browsers on my iPad Air 2 (on most recent iOS) - Puffin, Dolphin, & Chrome (and have used others), so there are plenty of other web browsers in the App Store that work well, but not for iOS 5.x.

My assumption is that you've done some searching for 'web browsers for iOS 5.x' - if not, then give that a try - here's a SITE that appeared on my search (NOW - I've never used it and cannot vouch for its quality/validity); you may also want to read this THREAD in the MacRumors forum - there is one poster who 'jailbroke' his iPad 1 and was able to use a Linux browser - I've never jailbroken an iPad, so have no experience nor advice, however, there is an iPad Hacking forum here that you may want to check out. Dave :)
Wow your still on the original iPad. That is really old now. I am sure there might still be something but keep in mind Apple no longer supports it.

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