Welcome to the latest addition of iPadForums.net dedicated to news, rumors and discussions for Apple's 5th generation iPad, the iPad 5!
So I was one of those who bought the ipad3 only to be accosted by the iPad4 a couple of months later. I also have a mini. So my quandary: do I buy the mini if it has a retina screen or do I go for the 5 which might only have a slight processor bump from the iPad4 I currently own?
So I was one of those who bought the ipad3 only to be accosted by the iPad4 a couple of months later. I also have a mini. So my quandary: do I buy the mini if it has a retina screen or do I go for the 5 which might only have a slight processor bump from the iPad4 I currently own?
well looks like i found the thread i was looking for! cant wait since im still on ipad 2. having major upgraditis!! release looking like sometime in september. just around the corner! yeeeeeeaaaaaaaa!! should be HUGE upgrade for me
does anyone have any other news on when in september?