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what is the best app for me

rockin tj

iPF Noob
firstly hi to everyone,

please can someone advise me which is the best app for my needs . i am a singer who currently uses mini-discs to play the backing tracks i use when preforming ( old school ) but i have had an iPad for sometime now but i have never got round to using it in my act. is there any singer/entertainer who uses such an app and would be willing to share there advise

many thanks
Hello and welcome to the forum! :) I'm not sure what you mean by 'mini-discs' but a further explanation might help (i.e. what brand/size; what format - like CD-R, MP3, or other; and how do you play these discs)?

If you can transfer these 'backing tracts' to your iPad (e.g. as MP3 files), then purchase 'bluetooth' speaker(s) (which come in all sizes and prices), you could easily have the device's files play through the speaker(s), either wirelessly or cabled - not positive that is what you need, so please explain further - Dave
hi a mini-disc is a smaller version of a cd. most of the discs are record-able and Sony were the inventors . to play a mini-disc you need to have a mini-disc player which really is a cd player that plays smaller dics.

i would have to transfer all of the tracks in to my DAW and edit them ready to export them to the iPad.

what i need is some advice on an app that will be suitable for my needs which are
  1. play the mp3 track
  2. be able to cue up tracks
  3. cross fade between track
  4. auto stop function
  5. continues play function
thanks tj
hi a mini-disc is a smaller version of a cd. most of the discs are record-able and Sony were the inventors . to play a mini-disc you need to have a mini-disc player which really is a cd player that plays smaller dics.

i would have to transfer all of the tracks in to my DAW and edit them ready to export them to the iPad.

what i need is some advice on an app that will be suitable for my needs which are
  1. play the mp3 track
  2. be able to cue up tracks
  3. cross fade between track
  4. auto stop function
  5. continues play function
Hello again - OK, I'm familiar w/ those Sony mini-discs but your description clarifies the situation. As I recall, the size of those discs are the same as the old 3 1/2" floppies and use magneto-optical technology w/ a lossy audio codec - may have been lossless options? But for the iPad, MP3 or AAC 'lossy' codecs would be your best choice if you need to transfer a LOT of music to the device; so, I suspect as you state above, you would need to convert the files on the mini-discs into an iPad compatible format.

Now the music app on the iPad (especially using playlists) could accomplish many of the needs described - the only one that I doubt is the 'cross fade between tracks' but I've not even explore all of the features of this native app. As to other music apps for the iPad, I have no experience, sorry - you've probably already searched the App Store (if not then give that a try); hopefully, others who may have solved this particular need will 'chime in' - good luck and please post back your solutions - may help others - Dave :)
Sounds like you want something like the djay 2 app by GmbH. I have no personal experience with it, but I've heard it mentioned a few times (in a positive way) by a few bloggers and podcasters. There is a free (LE) version that you could use to see if it's what you want; though that version probably does not have all the features you want.

There are several other apps of this sort, but I know even less about them.
thanks for the reply twerppoet , djay 2 was one of my first choices do you know of any members who uses this app regular .
thanks tj
No, sorry, I don't' know if any of our members use the app. A few other's have asked questions similar to your's in the past, but my memory of who and what the resolution (if any) was is pretty vague. A search might turn something up.

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