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What is the point in Verison's Personal hotspot?


iPF Novice
Aug 12, 2010
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New York
For the new Ipad, the Verizon personal hotspot DOES NOT WORK if the ipad is connacted to Verizon Lte. It only works with wifi. If there is an available wifi conenction, I can simple connect my other devices to that wifi and don't need the hotspot. What si the point of the hotspot. It is not really a hotspot. What is the point in ahving the deature?? Am I missing anything here???
Figured it out. Wifi has to be on, but does nto need to be conencted to anything.
In fact it CAN'T be connected to anything except the cellular (3G/LTE) system.
A wifi hotspot in any device capable of creating one,broadcasts a wifi signal that can be picked up by any device with a wifi capability.This could be a wifi only iPad,an iPod,a laptop,etc.
dragon499 said:
For the new Ipad, the Verizon personal hotspot DOES NOT WORK if the ipad is connacted to Verizon Lte. It only works with wifi. If there is an available wifi conenction, I can simple connect my other devices to that wifi and don't need the hotspot. What si the point of the hotspot. It is not really a hotspot. What is the point in ahving the deature?? Am I missing anything here???

Yes you are. A personal hotspot broadcasts a wifi signal and any device capable of wifi communication can connect with it.The only way the hotspot WILL work is if the device creating the hotspot has a cellular 3G,4G connection.
Look at this thread,it may help explain the issue.
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