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What really annoy you with Apple


iPF Noob
This thread is not the place for bash apple product's it's only for have constructive criticism about real point Apple can improve.

I will start by a point i consider stupid in Itunes. is the fact you cannot download some movie or app's if you are not in the dedicated country, i really don't understand this point as we download everything from the web it doesn't matter where we live ... as i am perpetual expat for example have many movie and show i cannot buy because i register my self in the country where i live .... of course you can say i have to chance my account but doing this will prohibited me to have some specific app's ....

Let see what is you're dark point with Apple
Since you asked...

1-Less for same $
Originally, you would get projector adapter & remotes with the computers. The remote thing I can let go, but the only reason you need an adapter is because they refuse to use a standard projector plug. Now you have to pay $20 for each.
a-While I understand they can't carry EVERYTHING, there are some mainstream artists/movies/audiobooks they don't have. It gets fustrating to have accounts with other places, I wish they could set it up similar to amazon, where if they don't sell it, they can pair you with a vendor that does & your info would only be with iTunes, & you could use your iTunes cards to buy stuff. (when you say "how would this benefit them?" you would never leave their site even if they don't get a cut, it would also help them study/learn what their customers want)
B-They don't stand behind their pricing, any store now-a-days stands behind their pricing & offers price adjustments with in a reasonable amount of time, iTunes does not.

I enjoy all my apple products (original intel 15 in MacBook pro,17 in MacBook pro, iPhone , iPod touch & 3gs) but as with anything else apple has it's flaws. I'm still not positive I want an ipad, because I know next year they'll come out with a new an improved one, plus the lack of flash & the fact that I'm not sure if we'll be able to view regular websites on it (as opposed to mobile versions).
I will start by a point i consider stupid in Itunes. is the fact you cannot download some movie or app's if you are not in the dedicated country

Thats a legal thing, if you dont under stand it go talk to a lawyer.

but the only reason you need an adapter is because they refuse to use a standard projector plug. Now you have to pay $20 for each.

Completely wrong, have you not noticed the amount of space that is saved my using the mini display port. That much space saved makes for BIG differences in internal engineering.
I love Apple for the most part.

What I don't like is MobileMe. Too expensive. I had it for several years. I remember when it first came out it was called iTools. It was free for a little while.

Apple TV. Again too expensive. Apple just wants to sell sell sell movies and TV shows. A lot less expensive going to Blockbuster and the like.
My main problem with Apple is their pricing. The iPad is the first thing that they have released which seems to be competitively and aggressively priced. Don't get me wrong: Apple's stuff is WORTH the money. But I have always thought that if Apple had cut their prices across the board by 20% or so that today we would be talking about IBM compatibles being the minority.
I don't like the keyboard incompatibility between Apple and Windows keyboards. On an Apple laptop that I used it didn't have the Backspace delete key that I like to use on PC keyboards. I've ordered an iPad and I hope that keyboard will be full-function - ideally with a Windows-compatible keyboard.

And I wish the iPad website would show big views of the on-screen keyboard and the dock keyboard that I've ordered.
I would have to agree with rudeman. MobileMe is my biggest gripe. I think it's a great service, but it's far too expensive. If times get tough, guess what will be the first thing I will cut from my budget next year?
I think Apple should cut the cost in half. Make it $49.99/year and I'll renew every year without fail.
I love my Apple TV. Mine is hacked with Boxee and NitoTV, so I can watch my entire DVD library from a USB 1TB HD. I think Apple TV would sell much better if they dropped the price and also loosened their grip and allowed more functionality. It did get better with version 3.0, but it still has a long way to go.
Other than those two issues, I am a happy camper.
I think the biggest thing is that they have started to become more and more controlling with the App store and I really don't like that.
Being fairly new to the world of Steve Jobs (my first apple item was Gen1 iTouch couple years ago) I think this portion of the iPad Forum is helpful to understand the norms of dealing with apple.

Thanks for posting thoughts!
I will start by a point i consider stupid in Itunes. is the fact you cannot download some movie or app's if you are not in the dedicated country

Thats a legal thing, if you dont under stand it go talk to a lawyer.

So if i am a French i can't buy in Amazon US a book ??, why i do it without any trouble so often ??

Maybe you don't understand well my complain or my broken Singlish
My main problem with Apple is their pricing. The iPad is the first thing that they have released which seems to be competitively and aggressively priced. Don't get me wrong: Apple's stuff is WORTH the money. But I have always thought that if Apple had cut their prices across the board by 20% or so that today we would be talking about IBM compatibles being the minority.
You hit the nail on the head.
This is my first time I have bought an apple product. Other than the Safari browser I use on my windows laptop(which I love) I have not used Apple. I will give it the benefit of a doubt that it will as wonderful as my kids say. ( I have a daughter who is lawyer who has had a Mac for 10 years) Wow! I have a son who is a computer consultant who loves his Mac and I have a son who has his own Webpage and business on his Mac and he loves his too. The only thing so far I don't like is the secrecy.. It has driven me crazy. One more week and it will be shipping Yeah!:comingsoon:

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