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Whats the worst thing about noisy neighbours?


iPF Novice
Jun 3, 2011
Reaction score
Their music is awful!!!!

:”People who are not themselves, are nobody.” George S. Patton
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You could pop round and give them a Glasgow kiss!! Police won't bother with it, that would create far too much paperwork!! They are too busy watching for people smoking in none smoking areas, or catching speeding motorists......they can make money that way without having to do anything!!!
The problem for me is the cops always seem to punish me more harshly for how I deal with noise neighbors than they punish the noise source.

I can hardly wait until I am 95 and I can deal with these occasional annoyances in my own special way and the cops and courts will simply attribute it to old age or perhaps the harmless antics of a befuddled old harmless fart.
Bob Maxey said:
The problem for me is the cops always seem to punish me more harshly for how I deal with noise neighbors than they punish the noise source.

I can hardly wait until I am 95 and I can deal with these occasional annoyances in my own special way and the cops and courts will simply attribute it to old age or perhaps the harmless antics of a befuddled old harmless fart.

So are we talking Gran Torino style response? ;) AA

AdmiralAdama said:
So are we talking Gran Torino style response? ;) AA

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=6875"/>

Haha, if there was no action>reaction Id do the same. damn homicidal consequences

:&rdquo;People who are not themselves, are nobody.&rdquo; George S. Patton
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Their music is awful!!!!

:&rdquo;People who are not themselves, are nobody.&rdquo; George S. Patton

I once had a neighbor that loved Earl and Earl was always playing, so I allowed him to play Earl loud and proud. And no, I am not going to tell you Earl's last name; like Share, one name is all you need. I do not want to know anyone who does not know who Earl is.

When the rappers arrive, however, I am gone. Or, I'll fight rap with Wagner. Perhaps I'll counter "Sexy and I Know it" with "Der Ring des Nibelungen" or that Valkyries tune Wager composed. God help me, I need a brain reboot and my cache cleared. I did not know I actually knew the title of a rap song.
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Bob Maxey said:
I once had a neighbor that loved Earl and Earl was always playing, so I allowed him to play Earl loud and proud. And no, I am not going to tell you Earl's last name; like Share, one name is all you need. I do not want to know anyone who does not know who Earl is.

When the rappers arrive, however, I am gone. Or, I'll fight rap with Wagner. Perhaps I'll counter "Sexy and I Know it" with "Der Ring des Nibelungen" or that Valkyries tune Wager composed. God help me, I need a brain reboot and my cache cleared. I did not know I actually knew the title of a rap song.

Atleast its not 2007 bad dance music.

:&rdquo;People who are not themselves, are nobody.&rdquo; George S. Patton
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TheRambler said:
You could pop round and give them a Glasgow kiss!! Police won't bother with it, that would create far too much paperwork!! They are too busy watching for people smoking in none smoking areas, or catching speeding motorists......they can make money that way without having to do anything!!!

We need a place or perhaps a thread for salty language. Perhaps password protected so us potty mouthed gawld darn cretins can e-speak freely and the children will be protected. I have a few words I would love to use that even old salts have never heard, dag nabbit. So much for Freedom of Speech and the Constitution, What are you, some sort of billy derned clucker doodle? How dare you impose a no bad lingo rule. My gosh, golly sakes.

I am incensed. Todat it is Jasmine because, well, today, I feel pretty.

Big Smiley

Seriously, I think bad language has its place and never here. Like my house around the big rectangular wood table in the Chapel. Guns allowed, too.
A few weeks ago, I had just gotten into bed, I was about to fall asleep, and some neighbors a way off started throwing off fireworks at like 10:00 p.m. When I was trying to sleep! I was like, oh gosh come on..... They didn't stop until like 12:00 a.m.!
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