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when u sync movie into itunes on pc how do you then watch it on ipad


iPF Noob
I managed to get movie converted with handbrake into mp4 and then with usb sync cable get the movie synced into the itunes i had opened on my pc. And i even saw my ipads name at the left hand side in the itunes page on my pc. But when i then opened itunes on my ipad3 i couldnt see anywhere as in films on my itunes page whjen i opened it on my ipad. The ipad itunes interface looks different from when you open it up on a pc. If you sync a movie into itunes , how then do you view it with the itunes on your ipad and i also have av player hd installed but couldnt see it listed anywhere in there either. I would deeply appreciate anyones help that would know how i view a movie i have synced into itunes . Also where you go on the ipad itunes as its different from the one and the waty it looks on the pc. It doesnt have the same options as in playlist or films you see listed on the ;left hand side of the page as the way you do when you have it open on the pc.
With your iPad connected to your pc, and iTunes open, make sure your iPad is selected and select the "Movies" option. If your sync went correctly, your movies will be sitting in there, and if they are there but not on your iPad, make sure to check the boxes next to the movies and re-sync.
I managed to get movie converted with handbrake into mp4 and then with usb sync cable get the movie synced into the itunes i had opened on my pc. And i even saw my ipads name at the left hand side in the itunes page on my pc. But when i then opened itunes on my ipad3 i couldnt see anywhere as in films on my itunes page whjen i opened it on my ipad. The ipad itunes interface looks different from when you open it up on a pc. If you sync a movie into itunes , how then do you view it with the itunes on your ipad and i also have av player hd installed but couldnt see it listed anywhere in there either. I would deeply appreciate anyones help that would know how i view a movie i have synced into itunes . Also where you go on the ipad itunes as its different from the one and the waty it looks on the pc. It doesnt have the same options as in playlist or films you see listed on the ;left hand side of the page as the way you do when you have it open on the pc.

Hi Eddie...I have deleted your duplicate post on this subject.

Please do not do this as it makes it difficult for other members to follow the thread and help you if they can. It is also against forum rules.

Don't bother converting get azul you can put any type of film on your iPad avi mkv mp4 wmv you name it it plays it
You load the app and then use iTunes to put the films on ... It's on the apps page scroll down and select add simples :)

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