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Where are "saved photos" stored?


iPF Noob
Hi, sorry if this has been asked before.
Just sync my new ipad on my pc and all previous saved photos have been uploaded to it. Does anyone know where they are stored on the PC as I want to delete them?
Hi, sorry if this has been asked before.
Just sync my new ipad on my pc and all previous saved photos have been uploaded to it. Does anyone know where they are stored on the PC as I want to delete them?

OK - on the PC they're usually stored in the default 'Pictures' folder, which you can access via the Windows menu bar (where you go to select a program) - you'll see 'Pictures' there.

But, be careful, because - unless you're careful - if you delete them from your PC when you next sync iTunes will try to make your iPad look like your PC and will delete them from your iPad. Yes - you can stop this happening - but you need to be careful

Thanks for quick response. Ive searched my computer and cant find the files anywhere. There is, however a folder in pictures called "ipod photo cache" with one file in it called "photo database", is this anything to do with it?
I was supprised when the photos were uploaded as I didn't think they were stored on my PC, they were all either created on my old ipad or downloaded from the net.
Thanks for quick response. Ive searched my computer and cant find the files anywhere. There is, however a folder in pictures called "ipod photo cache" with one file in it called "photo database", is this anything to do with it?
I was supprised when the photos were uploaded as I didn't think they were stored on my PC, they were all either created on my old ipad or downloaded from the net.

If they're 'regular' pictures from your camera, then the easiest way to find them is to set off a Windows Search and look for the file extension - probably '.jpg'. It will take a while - Windows Search is famous for being fast - but it's thorough and it will search your PC's entire hard disc and find every file that has that extension. If they're all stored in the same folder, the results might come back quickly if it finds that folder early on in the search, otherwise - time for a cup of coffee or two...

Thanks again, but before I posted on this forum I did a .jpg search and nothing showed, and I looked in all folders/subfolders etc.
Thanks again, but before I posted on this forum I did a .jpg search and nothing showed, and I looked in all folders/subfolders etc.

OK - well since they uploaded successfully you'll be able to see the names of them on the iPad. Couldn't you search for one of them - in case they don't have the .jpg extension - i.e. maybe .jpeg or .JPG - and so are not showing.

When you did the sync, did you set iTunes to delete the originals after the sync and that's why you can't find them?

This is what happened.
Obviously downloaded pics and edited stuff automatically goes in "saved photos" or "camera roll". I have other photos in "photo library" that I transfer to my ipad from my pc.
I thought the saved photos folder just stayed on my ipad as I've never seen them being transferred to my pc.
I plugged in my new ipad today and the usual message appears saying do I want to delete everything on the ipad and restore. I clicked yes and various items were copied such as contacts, songs and videos.
However I wasnt expecting the "saved photos" folder to be copied as I had no idea it had been transfered to my pc from my old ipad.
I've serched the pc looking for the images and can't find them anywhere.
Just wondering, are the pics likely to be .ithmb files in the photo cache?

Those are the thumbnail images.

I'm getting slightly confused though and looking back over the posts do I understand that, overall, you're trying to transfer everything from an old iPad to a new one?

(don't worry - it's been one of those days for me...:( )

Yes, I'm transfering stuff to a new ipad.
If I delete the .ithmb folders would that solve the problem or would I be creating all new problems?
Yes, I'm transfering stuff to a new ipad.
If I delete the .ithmb folders would that solve the problem or would I be creating all new problems?

Are these on the iPad or PC? Anyway, they're not very big, so I wouldn't risk it! Go for the simple life!

They are on the PC. All I want to do is delete the files on my PC that my old ipad has transferred to my PC (without me realising). But I cant find the contects of the "camera roll" or "saved pictures" anywhere on my PC. This is all very odd!!
So, you restored your iPad from a backup in iTunes? That's what I'm understanding. If so then the photos came from the backup. It's one of the things it backs up, since there is no other automatic syncing of pictures from that folder.

You won't find them on your computer. They are in the backup file, at least until the next time you sync and the backup file is overwritten.
Great, thanks for advice. All makes sense now (I probably didn’t explain exactly what the problem was earlier).

2 more things (I hope):

My ipad1 was for work and home and I sync with my work PC.
I now have an ipad2 which is for home and my ipad1 is just for work.
Now that I’ve sync from the same pc I basically have 2 ipads with the same data and apps on.

Firstly can I delete itunes and reset my ipad1 and start afresh as I don’t want backups stored on my work pc of previous notes, calendar, saved pics etc (or is there another way of creating a fresh start without losing bought apps)?

Secondly can I plug my ipad2 into my home computer and create a separate account without losing bought apps?
You've already set your second iPad up just like the work one, yes? If you want to keep all your apps you'll have to keep the account. Unless there is some reason to keep the accounts separate, say the business owns the other account, just keep using the same one. You can set up the iPads differently, and on different computers.

But once you do, remember which iPad is on which computer, and only sync them with that computer.

Go to your home computer, download the newest iTunes. Go to the Store menu and authorize it. go to the sign in link top right and sign in with your account. Don't make a new one.

Plug in your iPad. It will come up and say it's associated with another computer, and would you like to erase everything. It should also give you an option to Transfer your Purchases. If it does, choose that. If it does not, just say no. Then go to the File menu and choose Transfer Purchases From. . .

When this completes you should see all your apps in the iTunes library, and any media you may haver purchased from iTunes.

It should let you sync normally now, and you can set your new iPad up anyway you like with as many or few of your old apps as you like.

You could have done that on your work computer too, btw. The each device can be set up differently. But now you have the convenience of playing with the settings and sync options of your home iPad at home.

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